Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » March 28th, 2011, 1:43 pm

MSUDuo wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:
I'll throw out a couple of MIAA names: Jeff Guiot and Kim Anderson. I think both could be successful if we don't go for the home run with Pearl. I don't particularly want Harris, Woodberry, or Williams.

You have lost your ever loving mind... :huh:

Please tell me you aren't GLENDALE over on BearNation...

So because someone couldn't do it at Arkansas means they couldn't do it here? On what basis?

No, I didn't go to Glendale. Pel was fired even after recruiting a top 10 class. What does that tell you about how Arkansas felt about him? He was okay at South Alabama, but he did commit some minor infractions at Arkansas. If we are going with the checkered past angle, give me Bruce Pearl who is a proven winner and a charismatic man as well.
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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach



Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » March 28th, 2011, 1:54 pm

Here is my top 10 list for MSU job:

1. Bruce Pearl, unemployed: Laugh if you like, but he'd win and grab national attention.
2. Jim Corrigan, asst. Old Dominion: Taylor's right hand guy for many years. Great tactian and recruiter.
3. Russell Springman, asst. Texas: Guy has been huge establishing Barnes Vegas and Cali pipeline.
4. Jeff Guiot, SBU: Proven D2 winner and could get his kid from Utah too possibly.
5. Danny Manning, asst. Kansas: Legend in the state of Kansas.
6. Kim Anderson, Central Missouri: Two D2 Final Fours, Missouri legend and could be on MU's list too.
7. Pat Knight, unemployed: Forced out at Tech but intriguing candidate who is squeaky clean.
8. Mike Dunlap, asst. St. John's: Well regarded and well traveled man. Big success at Metro State.
9. Steve McClain, asst IU: Did good job at Wyoming and well respected out West.
10. Scott Spinelli, asst Texas A&M: Turgeon's right hand guy and powerful recruiter.
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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby Unsmooth Moment » March 28th, 2011, 2:01 pm

Don't see how Bruce Pearl would come to Mo State unless all BCS schools shunned him. I really like Pearl, he was involved with Tennessee's community more than I have seen with any other coach. He had a good personality and he could WIN. I still think he will get a chance at a BCS school from a desperate school. Texas' assistant would be interesting...
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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby Haha » March 28th, 2011, 2:17 pm

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Here is my top 10 list for MSU job:

100000000000. Scott Spinelli, asst Texas A&M: Turgeon's right hand guy and powerful recruiter.

There I fixed this for you, trust me I'm doing you a favor.
Last edited by Haha on March 28th, 2011, 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby musiccitybulldog » March 28th, 2011, 2:25 pm

Will any players transfer to UT?
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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby Unsmooth Moment » March 28th, 2011, 2:40 pm

musiccitybulldog wrote:Will any players transfer to UT?

Most players are waiting on the MSU hire. 1 or 2 of them talk like they want to stay at MSU, they just want to keep their options open.
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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby MoValley John » March 28th, 2011, 2:47 pm

Scott Spinelli? Bruce Pearl?

I always thought that Missouri State demanded squeeky clean. Bruce Pearl has been outted as a cheater and dirty. Do Missouri State fans really want to sell souls for a winner? And why would he take a Missouri State job for the money you can offer? Can you guys pony up a mil a year now? Besides, he needs to take a year or two off to clean up his name a bit.

As for Spin, there are reasons beyond reasons why Spinelli has never been given his own gig. Scott Spinelli is as dirty as they get. If Spinelli could be trusted with a team he would have been given one years ago. Some day, there probably will be a team desperate enough to give Spinelli a chance, but they will be desperate. I saw how Spinelli recruited at Nebraska, he was brought in because Barry Collier couldn't recruit to save his own life. Spinelli combed the gutters and looked for every corrupt AAU team to bring in guys. Most of what he brought in couldn't qualify academically. Wichita State fans were glad to get Spinelli because he had a track record of getting top recruits. They were turned off on him just as fast as they embraced him. Much of the cupboard being bare when Marshall arrived can be attributed to Spinelli. Scott Spinelli is slime. I haven't followed A&M nor how Spinelli is recruiting now, but I can't see him changing much. I really hope you aren't serious about Spinelli.

I don't have a short list for who Missouri State should go after, I hope they get a guy similar to Martin. Those guys just don't grow on trees, though.
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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby MSUDuo » March 28th, 2011, 3:02 pm

MoValley John wrote:Scott Spinelli? Bruce Pearl?

I always thought that Missouri State demanded squeeky clean. Bruce Pearl has been outted as a cheater and dirty. Do Missouri State fans really want to sell souls for a winner? And why would he take a Missouri State job for the money you can offer? Can you guys pony up a mil a year now? Besides, he needs to take a year or two off to clean up his name a bit.

As for Spin, there are reasons beyond reasons why Spinelli has never been given his own gig. Scott Spinelli is as dirty as they get. If Spinelli could be trusted with a team he would have been given one years ago. Some day, there probably will be a team desperate enough to give Spinelli a chance, but they will be desperate. I saw how Spinelli recruited at Nebraska, he was brought in because Barry Collier couldn't recruit to save his own life. Spinelli combed the gutters and looked for every corrupt AAU team to bring in guys. Most of what he brought in couldn't qualify academically. Wichita State fans were glad to get Spinelli because he had a track record of getting top recruits. They were turned off on him just as fast as they embraced him. Much of the cupboard being bare when Marshall arrived can be attributed to Spinelli. Scott Spinelli is slime. I haven't followed A&M nor how Spinelli is recruiting now, but I can't see him changing much. I really hope you aren't serious about Spinelli.

I don't have a short list for who Missouri State should go after, I hope they get a guy similar to Martin. Those guys just don't grow on trees, though.

CaseyGarrisonForPrez speaks for one MSU fans opinion...

Right now it sounds like most fans want to give Kent Williams or Jon Harris a shot.

Look back a few pages to see other names thrown around and I don't think we could go wrong with any of them
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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » March 28th, 2011, 3:10 pm

I would be shocked if Moats stayed in house with this one. To promote someone who isn't yet ready, just to keep current players and recruits does not bode well long term. I like our three assts. but they aren't ready, none of them to takeover a program such as ours. We need someone who is experienced.
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Re: Counzo Martin new Tennessee Vols coach

Postby TylerDurden » March 28th, 2011, 3:48 pm

Jay Spoonhour.

For the salary MSU will pay, you won't end up with a better guy and he just might be better than someone you'd have to pay double to get.

Plus, who doesn't love "Spoonball"?
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