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NEW CU board!

Postby jayball » June 28th, 2011, 11:46 am

there is no cost and it is free of the east coast doucher.

Big thanks to the guys at White and Blue Review.

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NEW CU board!



Re: NEW CU board!

Postby valleychamp » June 28th, 2011, 11:52 am

That is great for creighton fans. Hope it takes off. Its sad to see how Perrault completely destroyed the CU message boards.
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Re: NEW CU board!

Postby SubGod22 » June 28th, 2011, 1:45 pm

valleychamp wrote:That is great for creighton fans. Hope it takes off. Its sad to see how Perrault completely destroyed the CU message boards.
As much as I like to not like CU, I agree with this.

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Re: NEW CU board!

Postby RoyalShock » June 28th, 2011, 2:02 pm

Looks like there hasn't been a single post on BJC since someone posted a link to the new board.

So would anyone care to recap the fall of BJC, mainly what precipitated Freddy leaving?
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Re: NEW CU board!

Postby 2livewu » June 28th, 2011, 2:30 pm

The guys at the W&B Review have been gracious and classy over time and I look forward to reading that board.
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Re: NEW CU board!

Postby Jays26 » June 28th, 2011, 3:08 pm

This is great news! I loved the old BlueJayCafe until MP got involved.

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Re: NEW CU board!

Postby WSUbballer » June 28th, 2011, 3:50 pm

Just wanted to say congrats and good luck to the new site. Although I'm not the biggest fan of Creighton.. :D , I had hoped that you guys would drift away from the toxic waste dump that you called home. I honestly felt for you guys. Nobody deserves that kinda BS.

I may have to finally scrap my avatar to help take part in the cleansing process!
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Re: NEW CU board!

Postby jayball » June 28th, 2011, 4:11 pm

RoyalShock wrote:Looks like there hasn't been a single post on BJC since someone posted a link to the new board.

So would anyone care to recap the fall of BJC, mainly what precipitated Freddy leaving?

Royal, I have no inside scoop on why Freddy left, but I can only imagine that dealing with Matt eventually broke his spirit. It would take a lot of money for me to deal with that.

But that is just my speculation, maybe he just wanted to be done with internetting after all these years.

I'm sure most valley fans have seen enough of Matt to understand why the BJC is dead. He was pretty much a douche to his target audience from day one, tried to big time everyone about his "legitimate media" status and how he was the one always "breaking stories". If he didn't "break" it, he would say that he knew about it, but couldn't share it. He openly spouted negative rumors and innuendo about CU coaches, players and couldn't understand why people would get mad at a supposed "legitimate media source" being irresponsible. He went after Nebraska and WSU to incite troll fests, which is exactly what you want your "MODERATOR" to do.

Basically, he came into Freddy's house and said hey for a little cash I can put a nice new addition out back to cover recruiting. Then he ripped out the plumbing, electrical, HV/AC for the whole house. He walked around in mickey mouse underoos, banging on pots, screaming he was the greatest. He drank all the beer and ate all the pretzels and couldnt' get a joke or detect sarcasm to save his life. So he was a blast to hang out with. Then he started !@#$ing all the neighbors cats. It was a disaster.

I don't think the cats liked it either.
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Re: NEW CU board!

Postby panther-state » June 28th, 2011, 7:05 pm

Ha! Love it! I havent had to bear much contact with MP but I would take a weeklong camping trip with Lakes (for anyone familiar with that piece of garbage) over spending 5 mins with that doosh-nozzel. In either case I would make sure a loaded gun was nearby...for safety reasons obviously ;)
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Re: NEW CU board!

Postby AndShock » June 28th, 2011, 8:13 pm

Creighton is getting a lot harder to hate lately. Altman's gone, Perrault's basically gone, their douche players are gone. Not to mention I like the BJ Banter and White & Blue guys, I even really like Little McDermott. I think SWOMO is taking their place, so as long as they don't leave for the C-USA, I will be fine with my hate quota.
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