When Lowrey is fired.....

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When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby Aces1982 » November 15th, 2011, 7:54 pm

When Lowrey gets fired does SIU go outside for the hire or does SIU look at Rodney Watson? And does Lowrey last the entire year or gone mid season? I don't care about any buy outs, it shouldn't even be in the discussion. Lowrey's time is up. I don't even think Ace Dad can justify him staying.
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When Lowrey is fired.....



Re: When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby FeartheQ » November 15th, 2011, 7:59 pm

The sooner they get rid of that guy the better, SIU went from top of the class to a drop out in a matter of a few years.
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Re: When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby SubGod22 » November 16th, 2011, 8:36 am

After the Lowrey debacle, I hope SIU goes out and searches for someone and doesn't just hand it over to someone. They need a fresh approach. Saluki fans better hope he hasn't done too much harm to the program when the move is finally made or it could take quite awhile to get the ship pointed the right direction

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Re: When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby TheShock » November 16th, 2011, 9:34 am

RDR called it several years ago on the old ValleyTalk. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. :cry:

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Re: When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby Ali » November 17th, 2011, 8:34 am

Why don't they just replace Lowery with an assistant to show that they care about the direction of the program? Administrative leave so to speak.
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Re: When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby UNIFanSince1983 » November 17th, 2011, 8:41 am

Aces1982 wrote:When Lowrey gets fired does SIU go outside for the hire or does SIU look at Rodney Watson? And does Lowrey last the entire year or gone mid season? I don't care about any buy outs, it shouldn't even be in the discussion. Lowrey's time is up. I don't even think Ace Dad can justify him staying.

When they fire him they have to go outside the program. They have to bring someone fresh in. There is just no way they could hire an assistant off this terrible staff otherwise they would just continue down this road. To blame it all on Lowery and not on his assistants too is dumb. They all need to take blame for driving this program straight into the ground.
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Re: When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby Ace Dad » November 17th, 2011, 8:50 am

Aces1982 wrote:When Lowrey gets fired does SIU go outside for the hire or does SIU look at Rodney Watson? And does Lowrey last the entire year or gone mid season? I don't care about any buy outs, it shouldn't even be in the discussion. Lowrey's time is up. I don't even think Ace Dad can justify him staying.

82, the buyout has to be in the discussion because the man is under contract. Any coach would be a "fool" to quit and leave hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. He has to feed his family, too. SIU is going to have to pay him to leave due to the contract.
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Re: When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby DoubleJayAlum » November 17th, 2011, 9:23 am

Ace Dad wrote:
Aces1982 wrote:When Lowrey gets fired does SIU go outside for the hire or does SIU look at Rodney Watson? And does Lowrey last the entire year or gone mid season? I don't care about any buy outs, it shouldn't even be in the discussion. Lowrey's time is up. I don't even think Ace Dad can justify him staying.

82, the buyout has to be in the discussion because the man is under contract. Any coach would be a "fool" to quit and leave hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. He has to feed his family, too. SIU is going to have to pay him to leave due to the contract.

Ace Dad,

I don't think that 1982 is saying that Lowery should walk away from the money. I think what he is trying to say is that SIU shouldn't use the buyout as an excuse for not firing Lowery. Now, 1982 may be completely off base in that SIU may not be able to afford the buyout, hence it can't get rid of Lowery. At some point though, the drop off in ticket sales might make it impossible for SIU to ignore the buyout anyway.

I feel sorry for SIU fans. A game in Carbondale used to be an automatic win and you had to hope for them to lose on the road. To lose to Ohio Dominican in Carbondale would have been unfathomable a mere 5 years ago.
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Re: When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby troutangler » November 17th, 2011, 9:37 am

Is this the time when the MSU fans get to tell another school "You need to keep Lowery. Who else better are you going to get???".

After all, that's what we heard when Missouri State refused to fire Barruh for what seemed like a decade.
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Re: When Lowrey is fired.....

Postby Aces1982 » November 17th, 2011, 9:44 am

Ace Dad wrote:
Aces1982 wrote:When Lowrey gets fired does SIU go outside for the hire or does SIU look at Rodney Watson? And does Lowrey last the entire year or gone mid season? I don't care about any buy outs, it shouldn't even be in the discussion. Lowrey's time is up. I don't even think Ace Dad can justify him staying.

82, the buyout has to be in the discussion because the man is under contract. Any coach would be a "fool" to quit and leave hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. He has to feed his family, too. SIU is going to have to pay him to leave due to the contract.

I am saying the buyout should not be an excuse. Pay the buyout and do what is baest for your basketball program. I think it is very clear, that getting rid of Lowery is the best thing for SIU.
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