Back before the bball season began, the poll by the members here had ISUr challenging Bradley or SIU for last place in the Valley. I kept my silence. I almost posted then but did not in total fear that all of you would mock me and have fun at my expense. What I was going to say back then is don't confuse this season's version with last year's version.
With 10 games under our beloved's belt, I feel compelled to speak out. This is not a 10th place team. I am not going to say that they will win the Valley or even place in the top half of the league, though I will not be surprised if they do finish in the top half this season. Will they get smacked around by the elite of the league at times? Yes, could happen. However, if you expect an easy W over the birds when they come to your town, you will be surprised. This year's team is stronger, more athletic and more resilent than last year. They can even shoot the damn ball!
I root for all Valley teams (cept Bradley) when not playing my birds. I hope all Valley fans (cept Bradley) are enjoying their season so far and best of luck to all of you for the remainder of the season (cept Bradley).