Um, This Could End Up Being a Really Big Deal...

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Um, This Could End Up Being a Really Big Deal...

Postby DoubleJayAlum » September 4th, 2012, 1:30 pm

Want to steer kids to the highest profile teams? Here's a way: ... ompensated

Can you imagine if this lawsuit results in a ruling in favor of the Plaintiffs? If a school couldn't afford the minimal stipend that was discussed last year, how will they ever be able to put money into a trust fund for athletes? Regardless of where you look, there is a big time trend taking over - it is only going to cost more to compete as we push into the future. I continue to believe that this will have a very significant impact on our conference going forward. I don't think it is unforeseeable that we may have some schools that pull an Oral Roberts (opening selecting a less competitive conference to save money spent on travel) or a San Diego St (sacrificing their basketball program in order to benefit their FB program).
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Um, This Could End Up Being a Really Big Deal...



Re: Um, This Could End Up Being a Really Big Deal...

Postby RoyalShock » September 4th, 2012, 3:24 pm

For the sake of argument, let's say the plaintiffs win.

Some institutions are going to change the way they promote their athletics, focusing less on players and more on the coaches and program as a whole. The question is, how many? Will the "big boys" just ramp-up their promotion of players so they can maximize the payouts to attract the blue-chippers? Probably. And it will create a huge divide between the haves and have-nots.

There are certain to be other unforeseen changes with out athletic departments operate that will have unintended consequences. Could be good, could be bad. Who knows.

As for video games, we've been without a college basketball offerring for what, two years now? If it's not currently a money maker, it sure as heck won't be if the creators will have to pay royalties to use likenesses. With football, I have no idea if the creators will pony-up or just forget college altogether and focus on the pro sports.

Even if players will receive this type of compensation, the cheaters will still be there doing their best to line player's pockets so the next one-and-done will go to Kentucky instead of Kansas. So I don't see the cheaters going away.

Bottom line is I think it hurts the game and fans of the game. The win-at-all-costs fans will be giddy, though.
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