by BEARZ77 » March 10th, 2018, 12:29 pm
While it's nice that Bradley and the MVC has representation on the committee, nothing better illustrates the bias and unfair nature of the selection process than the committee makeup. There are 347 D-1 Teams, 32 conferences, and roughly 4,511 players. Yet traditionally the committee is dominated by P-5+1 members in a severely disproportionate ratio. The P5+1 conferences have only 21.6% of the total D-1 teams, and only 18.75% of the total number of conferences and similarly represent roughly 20% of D-1 basketball players, and yet in the current committee have 50% of the membership including the chair. I think it should be an established mandate that the committee has to reflect the makeup of the D-1 teams and conferences it represents in it's memberships. Secondly as we can see clearly in this years process, there needs to be some general OBJECTIVE criteria established on how teams are assessed and graded that does not automatically rule out 70 % of the members and sets up an unequal playing field. Simple criteria that would still allow for the fact the Bigs play in tougher conferences, but does not set it up where that alone accounts for the most influence. I don't know how you can justify a team being below .500 in their conference who doesn't win their Tourney being in the field. The Tournament should be about answering some questions as well as defining a champion. I don't need to see the 8th place team from the SEC; there's no mystery there, they've played against top teams and lost more times than they won. The question that the Tourney needs to answer is whether the 2nd place team or league champion who lost in their conference Tourney from the MVC/USA etc is better than the 5th or 6th place team from the SEC. That's the game we aren't getting except rarely and the questions that should be being answered in early round matchups, and we all know, when we get that game by chance, the Bigs often don't like the results in that game. Give the top seeds some early round byes and get rid of the games where we automatically set champions from smaller conferences to be beat by the top teams in the country, and set up some quality games that answer legitimate questions about parity among the quality midmajors and smaller schools and the middle level p-5+1 schools. That's the games we need to see with those winners then playing the teams we all know are a notch above not just the mids but their own conference members as well.
But when you start with a unfair committee representation, add in criteria that is ridiculously skewed from a scheduling standpoint, and keep those criteria a moving target when needed, you get a Tourney that is set up to make sure the money flows to those who already have the money.Which is another question as to why the dollars generated by the Tourney after paying each participants participation costs, aren't distributed equally among all 347 members since they all contribute to the process that culminates in the Tourney.
The Bear is the largest carnivore on the North American continent; beware the Bear!