To go with that, the pay wall move is troubling for mid-major conferences like the MVC, who banked on the virtually free exposure they were getting via ESPN3 as a trade-off for lack of revenue from a traditional broadcasting rights agreement.
And, oh by the way? Guess how much revenue the MVC and its schools get from this new paywall arrangement? Other than a production subsidy, the answer is nothing. You lose. Good day, sir.
So the money that league schools invested, ISU included, to subsidize their part in the ESPN production costs with the idea they would get "paid back" in free exposure? Forget it.
Viewing it through the schools' prism, and the money they spent, this is a bait-and-switch. It's wrong that ESPN isn't kicking back a percentage of the ESPN+ proceeds back to the leagues like the MVC who provide the programming. After all, MVC schools helped pay for programming that grew ESPN3 to be spun into a paywall proposition in the first place. Ripoff seems to be the appropriate term.