So the variations of this question have been asked of me and other Racer fans for a while now when discussing a conference move. Often followed up with "it can't be that bad... you guys are the best team in the conference after all..."
So here is an example of how bad it is.
Someone, between the Mothership in Bristol and the Brains down in Nashville have decided that the OVC game selected for national broadcast on ESPNU tonight should be
wait for it
Tennessee State vs Tennessee Tech.
Those teams are a combined 10-23. Their average NET ranking? 332.5.
This is not to say that they should be showing the Racers and their projected lottery pick point guard play against 10-7 EIU. But lets be real here... why not show Belmont vs Jacksonville State?
Those teams are a combined 24-8 and have an average NET of 107.
This is the kind of crap we put up with.