@NWIOren: Now a Valparaiso fan is being admonished by an official. Police are going into the stands. This is getting good. #MVCHoops
@aaron_hunter: Pollard?
@Valpo_Hoops: yep...
@BuckFradley: Pollard being Pollard
https://twitter.com/kyle321n/status/109 ... 67745?s=21
@kyle321n: I was ejected from a @ValpoBasketball game. A thread.
The officials were reviewing "who the ball went off of" when I yelled "Maybe you should review the foul you missed". The ref not at the table looked directly at me and I said "he knows you the call". That's when it began.
He pointed at me and called the VUPD over to the scorers table. They came up to me and asked my name, etc. Apparently I was being ejected. We stood there for a few seconds while getting confirmation and I was walked out of the arena.
@valpoathletics couldn't have been nicer to me about this as they said they were unsure why I was being asked to leave, they had heard my comment and it wasn't offensive or anything.
#ValpoPolice also couldn't have been nicer. The officer asked me to move to a different section
But @MVCsports needs to review thier officials. The previous two crews couldn't have been worse. And this crew is apparently so thin skinned that they couldn't deal with one fan yelling during a review time out.