Source: Hero Sports
"Given Kill's old-school nature and affinity for loyalty and long-term relationships, keep an eye on Chris Lowery. Lowery was Southern Illinois head coach from 2004-12 while Kill was Salukis' football coach (2001-07) and has been on Weber's staff at Kansas State, where Kill spent time as an associate athletics director after departing Minnesota, since 2012."
An Elite 8 and historic dethroning of the 14-time consecutive BXII champs has turned heads across the country. Kill is now reportedly considering undoing the fatal error Rita Cheng and Mario Moccia inflicted upon the university. Community members like myself would gladly and passionately switch back our donations from Manhattan, KS to Carbondale. Kill is also reportedly washing the athletic department’s hands of the Saluki message board who’ve caused problems bringing How C-Low Will We C-Go and Hinson 4 Governor signs over the years. I just hope we’ll have people watching out for and confiscating inappropriate signs like against SLU in 2011. Great things abound in Carbondale.