I think it is time for a new poll. It's been nearly two years since Valparaiso was added and the same "expansion" teams have been named over and over again. Finally two years later one must wonder what the MVC should do going forward as it heads into 2020.
1) Stay at 10.
All ten teams in the MVC have at one point or another had basketball success. I remember in 2011 when the MVC was a one bid league and received a 14 seed in the NCAA tournament. In 2011 Creighton and Wichita State were still in the MVC and neither of those schools were the 14 seed (Indiana State was). Now we are almost at the same point we were 8 years ago. My guess is that the MVC will once again improve and eventually get an at-large bid again within the next few years.
2) Expand to 12.
Almost everyone seems to want to see Murray State in the MVC except for the MVC leadership and the university presidents. Let's pretend that "11 doesn't work". Who is the best #12 out there? This is when the little fun (or maybe not so fun) arguments begin to break out. The public vs private and football vs non-football steam begins to build which will lead into option #3.
3) Publics and Privates should split.
Remember two years ago when the finger pointing was going on. Fans of public schools pointed at the privates for not winning and the fans of private schools pointed at the publics for throwing money into a "FCS moneypit". It's almost a given that the publics and privates don't want either side to have too much power. In this case is it time that each side joins other schools with similar goals? If they did split who could they join with?