Kindergartners Slaughtered by a Coward

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Kindergartners Slaughtered by a Coward

Postby C0|db|00ded » December 14th, 2012, 6:08 pm

He shot an entire classroom of kindergarten students.......................................... .................................................. ...

I don't think I have ever heard or read about a greater act of evil in my entire life. ****ing kindergarten students......................................

This is what needs to happen immediately:

1) There needs to be no less than one teacher on ever floor and every hallway of every public school assigned as a "school marshal" (think sky marshals on airlines).

2) They need to be trained that the moment they hear a gun shot or a dangerous disturbance that could lead to a terrorist event, that they are to retrieve their firearm, secure their children, and wait for police. If the terrorist attack happens during passing period/recess when all the children can't be locked down in their classrooms, they are to engage the threat immediately and attempt to neutralize it.

3) There needs to be terrorism alarms installed in every public school that when activated initiates flashing lights (no sirens because that tactically interferes with the situation) and automatically locks all classroom/hallway doors. There is already something like this in modern school hallways to prevent the spread of fire. Again, if a "school marshal" is near a terrorist attack, and his/her students are safe, and there are other students outside the classrooms, that marshal is encouraged to engage the threat using lethal force.

No more ****ing around. It's go time.


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Kindergartners Slaughtered by a Coward



Re: Kindergartners Slaughtered by a Coward

Postby MVCfans » December 14th, 2012, 9:26 pm

As far as I am concerned, the fires of hell cannot burn hot enough for the guy who killed these kids.
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Re: Kindergartners Slaughtered by a Coward

Postby C0|db|00ded » December 14th, 2012, 10:59 pm

I really couldn't care less what this coward is doing in some other realm. For all we know he could be playing golf with Hitler. He could also be hanging by his balls while his head is dipped in boiling acid. Regardless of his afterlife pursuits or punishments, nothing is going to bring back those glorious little children or repair their parents lives.

What I am concerned with is stopping these cowardly bastards at the time of their selfish acts minimizing as much damage as possible. I want teachers better trained and even more importantly, better armed to deal with these wastes of living space.

We have a chance to make a difference before the next terrorist attack on our schools occurs, and believe me when I say this... another attack is coming.


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Re: Kindergartners Slaughtered by a Coward

Postby MSUDuo » December 18th, 2012, 8:26 pm

Cold, in all my years, I never thought I would ever agree with you...

I start my student teaching in a 5th grade classroom. I hope and pray that legislation is passed over the next couple of years to help teachers/administration to protect their kids at all costs. There is zero excuses now
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