He's back ladies and gentlemen! And still showing that blissful ignorance we all love! After the peptalk from ShockerGal on his board, he's summoned the strength to try more pot shots at ISU and the Valley. Let's see how he did... shall we???
TheObserver wrote:Your number thingies are guesses and estimates based on a best-case scenario for your argument. They are in no way facts and just assumptions and hopes made on your part.
The number thingies are actual data from this year's RPI at this actual point in time. Those are, by definition... facts. Strike one!
TheObserver wrote:You don't even know what team would be added and you're going on the assumption that it would be somebody mediocre, which is hardly fact.
Let's be honest, we all rolled our collective eyes when Loyola was added, but they've actually been a decent add and not swimming at the bottom of the conference weighing us down. I actually went lower than them on the RPI and took the median of all of college basketball, and using past history to project into the future, played conservatively here. Could we get someone worse than the median? Sure, we could. But I doubt the conference would go in that direction. To even begin this discussion you have to have a starting point of who would replace Wichita... I went conservative, and that still wasn't good enough for you. Can't help you here.
TheObserver wrote:You're also assuming what the Valley would have to do too. But hoping for and actual reality are two different things.
Nope, this is where the math came in. I tried to keep it on a remedial level. Maybe Shockergal can help you with the basic subtraction. Holler at me if you two need a hand. What the Valley has to do is the exact difference between Wichita and the team we add. There is no assumption here. Strike two!
TheObserver wrote: Illinois State won't even be a Top 100 team next year.
What bet would you like to put on this. I'm dead serious here. Name the bet. Birds 1-100 final RPI, I win. Birds 101+ you win. Knock yourself out. I've read your board, you guys don't even know who's coming back and who's eligible on our team. Uninformed and making projections. Love it.
TheObserver wrote:I'm not sure where else you see a crock load of improvement is coming from, other than wishful thinking on your part, which of course, is in no way fact.
You're right, this is subjective. Ask around and most everyone will tell you the Valley is down this year. The 3-6 is weaker than usual. Northern Iowa is WAY weaker than usual. There's improvement to be had, and any argument to this point is pretty silly.
TheObserver wrote:The only consistent thing about this conference is WSU and if they left, the Valley would have a void that would not be filled.
The only consistent thing about this conference is that the conference has survived subtraction before. You've had a VERY nice run that everyone would want to replicate. But you've also inhabited the very bottom of this conference as well. The conference is better with Wichita in it's current state. But it'll survive if you leave.
TheObserver wrote:They would drop and depending on the situation, would drop considerably in the rankings.
Depending on the situation huh? So you're saying you aren't even sure, yet posting so adamantly that you are sticking to your guns on this 12 to 16 thing huh? Even when your own fans are telling you to back off the position because it's insane? Wow man. We're all shaking our heads at you right now.
TheObserver wrote:It's something you don't want to hear because your team will always be stuck in this conference,
You do realize that our football team (that pigskin thing that you kick through uprights and try to score touchdowns with) has had a ton of success lately, is currently looking at getting out of FCS, and that would most likely require a conference move right? You do realize the world of conference affiliation doesn't begin and end with basketball... right? Tell me you're smarter than this... These discussions are getting more serious everyday for ISU. Strike three!
TheObserver wrote:but the truth, as we can tell by your thin-skinned responses to the subject, stings.
You've walked into a gunfight with a knife and you're still talking smack huh? Very Championz-like. At every turn we've told you that your initial position was crazy talk, yet here you are again. It's ok to concede points and have conversations without having to win every point. In this case... you aren't winning any of them. Go back to the drawing board, get another peptalk from your girl, and we'll be here when you're ready to go again.