Another thing to add is that there is a definite money disparity between UNI and WSU. Yes, Marshall winning has helped in that, but WSU had a lot of money before he came and that makes a difference in where and who you can recruit. Look at UNI's roster and there are 6 players from outside Iowa and only 2 not from a neighboring state-one of those is a walk-on from Brazil who has appeared in 8 games. Contrast that to WSU that only has 3 players from Kansas and 3 more from immediate neighboring states, though Arkansas is close for Reaves.
The systems each runs fit in with the players they get/can get. I am glad that Jake hasn't tried the Lowery approach following success by trying to go out and just get the highest star rankings he can find. He continues to look for players that fit his system-though the overall talent ability is on an upward arc. Marshall plays a faster pace and looks for more 'athletic' players. He also makes them fit his system, if they don't want to play defense as well as offense, they tend to ride the pine. Marshall has a nice system where he can bring high level high school players and then supplement with jucos. Jake goes with 4/5 year players almost exclusively. Again, each system has worked for the school, and expectations, surrounding them.
Now to a different question. How nervous are WSU fans about the NC State opening, especially if the lack of strength in the Valley causes WSU to either be left out or seeded poorly in March?