Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby ShoxNAwe » March 30th, 2017, 10:15 pm

“The incentive for the AAC to act now comes down to NCAA units, which are worth nearly $1.6 million for every NCAA game that a team plays in,” Thamel wrote. “If Wichita State’s stout team makes a deep run next season, the potential haul of units —which are shared by the conference — would make an expedited timeline look wise.”

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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?



Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby AndShock » March 30th, 2017, 10:20 pm

ShoxNAwe wrote:No farewell tour? Disappointing.

Valley fans wanted to kick us out as soon as we announced the AAC move anyways so it's probably for the best.
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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby TheAsianSensation » March 30th, 2017, 11:07 pm

Let's check in live with Doug Elgin and the rest of the Valley: A national version of the world-famous TAS Bracketology. Spread the word
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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby municup14 » March 31st, 2017, 4:32 am

According to ESPN Wichita is willing to leave next season.The AAC
hasn't set a timetable yet.Also Wichita has to add all sports,except football
To it's new conference.NCAA rule.
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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby MVCfans » March 31st, 2017, 5:25 am

municup14 wrote:According to ESPN Wichita is willing to leave next season.The AAC
hasn't set a timetable yet.Also Wichita has to add all sports,except football
To it's new conference.NCAA rule.

There's no reason at all for WSU or AAC to drag this out. The Valley would be a big loser here, however. From one of the linked articles, I found this interesting:

When Creighton left in 2013, one Valley source pointed out that Wichita State officials fought hard against a hefty exit fee. That showed other schools in The Valley that the potential of Wichita State moving had always lingered in the minds of administrators there.
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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby MidWestMidMajor » March 31st, 2017, 7:41 am

Drakey wrote:
I live on the front range and didn't even know DU had a D1 basketball team until they were discussed as a replacement for creighton. Hockey gets all the pub. Just because it's in a large city don't expect too much. It is smaller than metro state, ucd, and ccd just in Denver. Add to those issues, even larger followers of cu, csu, and the academy and you have the next Loyola.

I agree that Univ. Denver won't "deliver the Denver market". But they are an athletic department that is committed to winning, having won NCAA championships recently in hockey, la crosse, skiing, and final four last year in men's soccer. Their women's gymnastic team is currently 9th in the country (the highest non P-5 school). That kind of success in multiple sports doesn't happen by accident. Some AD's talk about "competing for championships". Denver is doing it. They have great facilities, and that also shows commitment (and money).

Admittedly their basketball team has been so-so (rpi 211 this year). But made the NIT in 2005 and 2013. Yeah, they are a bit of a gamble. Since there aren't many Creightons or Wichitas sitting in the Summit, Horizon, OVC, etc., the MVC has to make a bit of a gamble. Who out there looks like they could be a winning gamble? I would say Denver is a much better gamble than Loyola- whose crowning achievement in the past 40 years is...Men's Volleyball. They would also bring academic prestige to the MVC (university presidents ultimately are the ones that vote for new members and that means a lot to them).

On my list, I would go in order: Murray, Valpo, Belmont. If those say no, Denver is very interesting. Of course, Denver has to swear to raise their basketball success before they sign a contract with the MVC.

Now, would MVC teams be willing to travel to Denver if it meant strengthening the conference??
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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby All-MVC Fan » March 31st, 2017, 8:43 am

I, for one, am very sorry to see WSU leave the Valley. I understand the reasons why, but it is not good for the conference I've loved for over 40 years. The Valley will survive, but the conference as we knew it will die with Wichita's departure.

And gee, I can't imagine how much more exciting it will be when Denver comes to Valley gyms, as opposed to Wichita State... :Violin:

Let's hope that the Valley leadership (presidents, more than Elgin) get this replacement opportunity right. :Yea!:

Ok, I don't care who you are, that's funny...
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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby title » March 31st, 2017, 9:08 am

Without WSU, the Valley needs to be realistic about what it is going forward. It really makes no sense for the Valley, Summit, Horizon, and OVC existing within the same footprint as low-to-mid conferences. Instead of one-off additions, a more comprehensive plan is needed. The high majors had their conference shuffling, it looks to be the time at this level. Reshuffling those conferences along geographical lines where the sports line up is the only way to stay viable. Its about controlling expense
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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby unipanther99 » March 31st, 2017, 9:10 am

I was in favor of Denver last time, but not now. Without WSU, they would be an odd fit, geographically.

The options as I see them...

1. Take all 4 of the Dakota schools and one of Valpo, Murray St, Belmont to make a 14 team, two division league.
2. Murray State
3. UW-Green Bay
4. Valpo
5. Belmont
6. UW Milwaukee
7. Northern Kentucky
8. UN-Omaha
9. Denver
10. Do nothing for now

At this point, I'm in favor of option 10. If we have to do something (I don't understand why), I'd go back to the top of my list and start downward.
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Re: Sounds like Wichita St to the AAC... Who gets an Invite?

Postby TheAsianSensation » March 31st, 2017, 10:15 am

Any option where we try to act like the equals of the Summit or Horizon is simply wrong. We are still better, we need to act better, and basketball quality has to, HAS TO be the only consideration.

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