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Re: Scheduling

Postby goramblers2011 » June 29th, 2017, 3:31 pm

Cdizzle wrote:
Blers wrote:
Cdizzle wrote:Apparently I have a better understanding of them than Moser does.

Explain then. Go on. We're waiting.

You see, when one party in a contract doesn't want to do something in said contract, there is generally a provision for how they are able to compensate the other party for not doing that thing.

It would seem from his public complaints that Moser is unaware of this standard. Perhaps he should be thanking NCState. They may have just provided enough money for LUC to continue his employment.

So, in your opinion, do you think the contract with NC State should have been drafted without a buyout provision? And, if that is the case, and NC State decided they didn't want to play the return game (in violation of said contract), what do you think would happen?

Here's a hint--LU would threaten some kind of legal action alleging that NC State is in violation of the contract. NC State would seek to settle the action. The settlement would be monetary considerations.

HOLY s***--sounds like a buyout! But with some added legal fees and annoyances. Hence the existence of buyout provisions.

There is no game contract that could literally FORCE a team to play a game that they agreed to play if that team decides they don't want to do so.
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Re: Scheduling



Re: Scheduling

Postby BEARZ77 » June 30th, 2017, 7:30 am

BirdsEyeView wrote:Shocker fans overvalue themselves as being more important than others just for who they cheer for. BUT, when they don't have superiority over others in their new conference (such as schools like UCONN who has a rich history), they need to come back here to make themselves feel better.

Cdizzle fits that description to a T.

DING DING DING ! I respect greatly what the Shocker athletic program has achieved over the years and the support they have generated among their fan base. It's commendable and something they should be proud of. But this mind set some of their fans have that it makes their opinions more valid simply because their teams have achieved is laughable. More damning is their belief they can assign value and understand the motivations of other Universities and their decision making process. I try to respect someone elses right to make their own decisions even if I disagree with them because I'm not dealing with their situation; they only become a threat to me when their belief is not only is it right for them but it's what I should do also, and then they judge me based on their values.

CDIZZLE and a few others are quick to label other MVC schools as lacking in motivation to win, settling for mediocrity, etc. etc., but it would be just as easy to say maybe WSU over values such things to the point of a history of cheating, condoning unsportsman like behavior, or retaining an abusive coach. But the point is WSU has to do what they think serves them best at that moment in time, and their fans would be wise to recognize that is exactly what other Universities are doing as well. Success should be celebrated, but when it's used to berate those not currently doing as well and to assume the right to judge, then you lose any credibility and respect that you earned thru performance.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Blers » June 30th, 2017, 8:01 am

BEARZ77 wrote: Success should be celebrated, but when it's used to berate those not currently doing as well and to assume the right to judge, then you lose any credibility and respect that you earned thru performance.

Shouts out for all of this post. Really liked this line.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby BirdsEyeView » June 30th, 2017, 8:08 am

Blers wrote:
BEARZ77 wrote: Success should be celebrated, but when it's used to berate those not currently doing as well and to assume the right to judge, then you lose any credibility and respect that you earned thru performance.

Shouts out for all of this post. Really liked this line.

Yes, but in the same token, the usage of "YOU earned thru performance" gives these fans too much credit as it does not apply to a random Shocker fan. They did nothing except provide a good home court advantage. The players/coaches are who gives them wins/losses.
As mentioned previously, the Shockers were still bringing in 10K fans a game in the early Marshall years, yet were like 4-20 in that span. Home court advantage is great....except the players win games as evidenced by that stat, not the fans.

Get off your high horses Wichita fans and join the AAC board where you can annoy the F out of those fans instead.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby ACECARD » June 30th, 2017, 9:16 am

The folks on the AAC board don't know what they have waiting for them when Drizzle gets on there and starts berating every team, and their fan base, with his vast, or half vast basketball knowledge.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby UEACES80 » June 30th, 2017, 9:24 am

Cdizzle should be addressed as Shocker Want-a-be King Mentally Fizzled
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Re: Scheduling

Postby BEARZ77 » July 1st, 2017, 6:31 am

I think the posters from the remaining MVC schools have been more than considerate and tolerant of Shocker posters since the announced move. Most Shox made their parting comments and have moved on. A few expressed continued positive interest in the MVC, and that's probably true for a few, but lets be honest, most spent the last year talking about how they couldn't wait to be disassociated from the MVC. Among that group the only ones still posting here continue to act as if they have special insight into the values and motivations of the other now 10 schools, when they basically don't have a clue. If you go to the shocker board, you see that not only do they have zero respect for the MVC, but actually are praying for our demise . I believe it would be extremely threatening to their view of themselves for the MVC to prosper, which is silly because the two are no longer related in any way. But that has always been the mode of that particular group in that they complained about the level of performance of other MVC schools out one side of their mouth while slamming any success that was achieved out the other. I've never seen a group have such success and yet be so insecure about giving credit to their constituents. But anyway, I'm tired of the petty banter; move on dizzle and any other similar Shockers and enjoy the well deserved success of your athletics programs in your new conference. I often repeat the words of Patrick Swayze in the fun little movie "Road House" as he addresses his bouncer trainees; "Be nice, till it's time not to be nice". I think we're there.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Snaggletooth » July 2nd, 2017, 1:13 pm

BEARZ77 wrote:I think the posters from the remaining MVC schools have been more than considerate and tolerant of Shocker posters since the announced move.,,,,,,,I think we're there.

OMG, you are a snowflake. WSU only been out of the conference for a day now.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby BirdsEyeView » July 2nd, 2017, 1:16 pm

Snaggletooth wrote:
BEARZ77 wrote:I think the posters from the remaining MVC schools have been more than considerate and tolerant of Shocker posters since the announced move.,,,,,,,I think we're there.

OMG, you are a snowflake. WSU only been out of the conference for a day now.

He said since the announced move, not the official move there genius.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Rambler63 » July 2nd, 2017, 1:33 pm

Snaggletooth wrote:
BEARZ77 wrote:I think the posters from the remaining MVC schools have been more than considerate and tolerant of Shocker posters since the announced move.,,,,,,,I think we're there.

OMG, you are a snowflake. WSU only been out of the conference for a day now.

Always classy. ALWAYS.
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