by BEARZ77 » November 28th, 2011, 5:08 pm
To me this year is going to expose whether the selection process has any integrity or not; most of us suspect it doesn't but this year may really expose that. The reason being is that the second level of BCS teams have had some truly embaarassing losses in the noncon this year, and many more non BCS teams have notched BCS scalps this year, and some big ones at that. I think it's going to be a tough sell this year for double digit Big East bids and for many of the other BCS leagues to go beyond 5-6 bids. There just isn't that much quality among the second level in those leagues. On the other hand, quite a few non BCS leagues are showing 2-3 teams that are doing enough in noncon that if they hold service in their leagues should garner at large bids. Long way to go yet in the noncon season, but right now it's shaping up to be a very volatile year when NCAA bid time comes around. Will be very interesting watching the paundits try to sell how a late season home conference win in a BCS league makes up for a drubbing they took in November on a neutral court.
The Bear is the largest carnivore on the North American continent; beware the Bear!