BirdmanBB's 5-way tie scenario, the multi-way tie goes to a mini round robin.
Wins in that Round Robin would be:
3) 5-3 UE
4) 5-3 ISUr
5) 4-4 UNI
6) 3-5 MSU
7) 3-5 DU
Now, there are
two theories here:
My theory assumes that this 5-way tie has been broken into two 2-way ties by the round robin. In that case the seedings would be as indicated above because:
The tie between ISUr and UE (1-1 head to head) goes to NC SOS, likely winner is UE.
The tie between MSU and DU would be won by MSU on account of sweeping the Bulldogs.
The second theory (used in Hacksaw's charts) is that the five way tie is not "broken" by the mini-round-robin (there are still four teams in a tie of some sort) so the non-conference SoS comes in immediately. In that case, the seedings would probably be (based on
this and lifted from TPC):
3) UNI
4) MSU
5) DU
6) UE
7) ISUr