Best and Worst of the Valley

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Re: Best and Worst of the Valley

Postby LJay » October 31st, 2012, 4:53 pm

DUBulldog wrote:
uniftw wrote:Anyone who has ever seen a Panther Sports Network broadcast with Rick Coleman would give him the award hands down......that's not including how bad he is at doing the sports for the local newstation

Worse than Dolph Pulliam on the Drake radio broadcasts? Dolph is one of the nicest guys I've ever met, and he's a Drake legend......but he is absolutely brutal on the radio. Constantly bitching about the refs.

Spot on. Just catching him on occasion can be pretty entertaining but if I had to listen to that all the time I might go mad.

Biggest homer probably goes to CU announcer T Scott Marr.
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Re: Best and Worst of the Valley



Re: Best and Worst of the Valley

Postby 2livewu » November 1st, 2012, 9:31 am

Only a Creighton guy could be named T Scott Marr. I am a little surprised it's not Dr. Monsignor T Scott Marr IV.

Anyway, I actually think he's pretty good although the incessant "three on the way" is annoying as hell.

Kennedy describes the action in a way that's easy to visualize (I think) and doesn't leave you hanging for scores or information for long periods of time. He's also a stickler for details and is great about knowing strengths and weaknesses of the other teams as well as getting names and #s of opponents correct. You'd be surprised how often the average announcer screws that up. However, Mike can be a homer when it comes to officiating (sometimes it's bad) and while that's fine for his base, it sucks to be someone else listening in.

Dolph is painful. The UNI guy with his Ka-whatevers is annoying. I hope MSU got someone new because that guy was by far the worst. Did Evansville use college students? I thought the Bradley guy was good.
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Re: Best and Worst of the Valley

Postby havoc » November 1st, 2012, 10:09 am

2livewu wrote:Did Evansville use college students?

Evansville typically has two feeds, one with a "professional" team and one with two students. It's sometimes not real clear which one you are selecting from the links.
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Re: Best and Worst of the Valley

Postby uniftw » November 1st, 2012, 10:11 am

DUBulldog wrote:
uniftw wrote:Anyone who has ever seen a Panther Sports Network broadcast with Rick Coleman would give him the award hands down......that's not including how bad he is at doing the sports for the local newstation

Worse than Dolph Pulliam on the Drake radio broadcasts? Dolph is one of the nicest guys I've ever met, and he's a Drake legend......but he is absolutely brutal on the radio. Constantly bitching about the refs.


The problem with Coleman is he doesn't give a crap about UNI 355ish days a year...the only times he "cares" are days he has to do the TV broadcast for the Panther Sports Network. He knows absolutely nothing about UNI, because he doesn't want too. He takes every broadcast and turns it into a game long Hawkeye commentary - at one point, I believe it was Rick, said about UNI's players "They all grew up wanting to be Hawkeyes". Doesn't take the time to research the Missouri Valley and it's teams, or the Missouri Valley Football Conference (and the FCS in general), screws up UNI player names through the entire game - and some games stops trying to remember the other teams players and just starts going off of their numbers.

The only reason he gets hired is because is the sports anchor for the local KWWL sports segments....He is terrible doing that, and even worse during any UNI event he is involved in. I really wish they would get rid of him and replace him with the guy that does the Weekly UNI TV Show Panther Sports Talk, Eric Braley. He has his BA and MA in communication from UNI, does radio for UNI VB events and fills in for Gary when he can't make it to a basketball game (usually only when FB and BB play the same day in separate locations), does free lance work for Iowa High School Sports Television Network and owns a production company out of Cedar Falls. He would be a great guy to have in the booth for the games...where do they put him in stead? On the side-lines where he gets 2 10 second segments for the game.
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Re: Best and Worst of the Valley

Postby achrist70 » November 1st, 2012, 11:17 am

Best Radio Guy: Gary Rima
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Re: Best and Worst of the Valley

Postby TrueBlueJay » November 1st, 2012, 11:57 am

2livewu wrote:Only a Creighton guy could be named T Scott Marr. I am a little surprised it's not Dr. Monsignor T Scott Marr IV.

Anyway, I actually think he's pretty good although the incessant "three on the way" is annoying as hell.

It is only annoying because it is almost always immediately followed by "Nothing but Nylon!"

Seriously though, I'm amazed that an opposing fan likes his calls. I for one am not a fan. Way too excited and forgets to call the action happening on the other end of the floor after what he believes to be the worst call ever against Creighton, never gives the score, way too much "in and out", "up, down, no good, rebound, whistle for wait they are calling a foul on Creighton! Oh my!"
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Re: Best and Worst of the Valley

Postby DoubleJayAlum » November 1st, 2012, 1:11 pm

T. Scott puts me over the edge. Half the time it is impossible to follow what is going on. Not my favorite.

The best radio guys were the ones SIU had. They did an excellent job describing the play on the floor, kept listeners updated on time and score and were remarkably unbiased for radio guys. The Evansville guys on the webcast I bought the last two years were pretty good too (I assume it was the radio team dubbed over the video...)
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Re: Best and Worst of the Valley

Postby C0|db|00ded » November 1st, 2012, 7:53 pm

DoubleJayAlum wrote:
pafan wrote:Best hair: Gregg Marshall

I'm not sure Marshall has enough hair to be a candidate in the best hair category...

Well geeez guyzzzz, it's all relative. Who are you comparing him to?



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