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Re: UE vs YALE

Postby Ace Dad » November 16th, 2012, 10:50 pm

"It is a fact."

No. It is an Assumption. Do you know the difference?
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Re: UE vs YALE



Re: UE vs YALE

Postby valleychamp » November 16th, 2012, 10:55 pm

It's also an "assumption" that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. I don't suppose you would bet against that as well?

Most of us don't live in fairy-tale land where hugs and juice-boxes are the norm, and most of us are able to comprehend the fact that the Big 12 and IVY League are most certainly not on a level playing field.
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Re: UE vs YALE

Postby Ace Dad » November 16th, 2012, 11:08 pm

"It's also an "assumption" that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. I don't suppose you would bet against that as well?"

No, that is a fact. The sun WILL rise tommorow. An assumption is that I will be alive to see it.

Ok, I can appreciate that the Big 12, historically, is stronger than the MVC. I can also appreciate that the MVC, historically, is stronger than the Summit League. However, leagues and histories do not play each other. Teams play teams, and on any night, any team can beat another team. Down with basketball snobbery ;)
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Re: UE vs YALE

Postby pafan » November 16th, 2012, 11:19 pm

valleychamp wrote:The Big 12 is clearly superior to the MVC, and the MVC is clearly superior to the IVY. Its not "having no class". Its a FACT.

As a group, this is true.

But, let's use last year as an example.
In head-to-head play, the MVC played 5 games against the Big XII.
UNI vs. Iowa St. - UNI wins
Drake vs. Iowa State - DU wins
InSU vs. Texas Tech - InSU wins
MSU vs. OK ST - OK ST wins
SIU vs. K. ST - K ST wins
Valley wins season series 3-2.

Did these 5 head-to-head games prove that the Valley was a better league than the Big XII?

If not, then why would a single game between Evansville and Yale prove that the winner is a part of the better league?
sad Evansville alum
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Re: UE vs YALE

Postby Ace Dad » November 16th, 2012, 11:46 pm

pafan wrote:
valleychamp wrote:The Big 12 is clearly superior to the MVC, and the MVC is clearly superior to the IVY. Its not "having no class". Its a FACT.

As a group, this is true.

But, let's use last year as an example.
In head-to-head play, the MVC played 5 games against the Big XII.
UNI vs. Iowa St. - UNI wins
Drake vs. Iowa State - DU wins
InSU vs. Texas Tech - InSU wins
MSU vs. OK ST - OK ST wins
SIU vs. K. ST - K ST wins
Valley wins season series 3-2.

Did these 5 head-to-head games prove that the Valley was a better league than the Big XII?

If not, then why would a single game between Evansville and Yale prove that the winner is a part of the better league?

The Kansas fans at my office hate to see me coming. When they start talking smack about the MVC I say....Bradley University...............University of Northern Iowa...................shut up!
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Re: UE vs YALE

Postby Shockerfan13 » November 17th, 2012, 8:35 am

Ace Dad wrote:
pafan wrote:
valleychamp wrote:The Big 12 is clearly superior to the MVC, and the MVC is clearly superior to the IVY. Its not "having no class". Its a FACT.

As a group, this is true.

But, let's use last year as an example.
In head-to-head play, the MVC played 5 games against the Big XII.
UNI vs. Iowa St. - UNI wins
Drake vs. Iowa State - DU wins
InSU vs. Texas Tech - InSU wins
MSU vs. OK ST - OK ST wins
SIU vs. K. ST - K ST wins
Valley wins season series 3-2.

Did these 5 head-to-head games prove that the Valley was a better league than the Big XII?

If not, then why would a single game between Evansville and Yale prove that the winner is a part of the better league?

The Kansas fans at my office hate to see me coming. When they start talking smack about the MVC I say....Bradley University...............University of Northern Iowa...................shut up!

I know that is, of course, in reference to the Valley vs KU. However, you can also always throw in Bucknell, Oral Roberts, Davidson, VCU....... That really gets under their skin LOL. They have quite a history of losing games to the "lowly mid-majors" LOL.
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Re: UE vs YALE

Postby Snaggletooth » November 17th, 2012, 12:05 pm

Ace Dad wrote:
pafan wrote:
valleychamp wrote:The Big 12 is clearly superior to the MVC, and the MVC is clearly superior to the IVY. Its not "having no class". Its a FACT.

As a group, this is true.

But, let's use last year as an example.
In head-to-head play, the MVC played 5 games against the Big XII.
UNI vs. Iowa St. - UNI wins
Drake vs. Iowa State - DU wins
InSU vs. Texas Tech - InSU wins
MSU vs. OK ST - OK ST wins
SIU vs. K. ST - K ST wins
Valley wins season series 3-2.

Did these 5 head-to-head games prove that the Valley was a better league than the Big XII?

If not, then why would a single game between Evansville and Yale prove that the winner is a part of the better league?

The Kansas fans at my office hate to see me coming. When they start talking smack about the MVC I say....Bradley University...............University of Northern Iowa...................shut up!

well if I was them I would just respond with SCOREBOARD,

If you need a further explanation then I would point out that KU in the last decade has been:

National Champs
2xNational Runner-Ups
4xFinal Fours
10xNCAA Tournament appearances
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