Mo. State at New Mexico State

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Re: Mo. State at New Mexico State

Postby MSUBear42 » December 22nd, 2012, 10:23 pm

:Cheers: :Beer: :Cheers: :Beer: :Cheers: :Beer: :Cheers: :Beer: :Cheers: :Beer:
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Re: Mo. State at New Mexico State



Re: Mo. State at New Mexico State

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » December 23rd, 2012, 11:56 am

What an abortion of a game and season. If we can't pool our money together to buyout Lusk can we at least pool our money and bring Dr. Krevorkian to town to euthanize our season? It's painful to watch. I mean my goodness. The end scene of Old Yeller illicits more enthusiasm than the 2012-2013 Bears.

I've stayed away for a while now. I find myself alternating between apathy and extreme anger and disgust. We are legitimately one of the worst 5-10 teams in all of D1 basketball. I honestly wonder what our practices look like. If the 2012-2013 Bears are scrimaging each other does anybody win? Do they all like pull their hamstrings at once and so nobody can win? It must be a sight to see. But I'm not sure we even scrimmage anymore.

So I like Paul Lusk as a person. But he can't coach basketball a lick. In terms of basketball acumen he makes Barry Hinson seem like he belongs at a Mensa meeting. Seriously. The word on the street is that Scott Sutton and Dave Leitao would have interest in our job. Supposedly SLU(H) is going to make a run at one or both in this offseason so we need to act accordingly. And fast.
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