ESPN Analyst Andy Katz - Creighton vs Wichita State

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Re: ESPN Analyst Andy Katz - Creighton vs Wichita State

Postby C0|db|00ded » January 12th, 2013, 5:48 pm

Snaggletooth wrote:
Hunter wrote:I am heading down to Wichita next Saturday for the game with 7 buddies. The plan is to arrive around 12 pm. Do any of the Wichita fans have any (serious) suggestions on where to grab a good lunch and some beers? Thank you in advance.

There is some good places on grove street. Also there are some good sports bars u can stop at on south broadway.

I like where your headed with this.

Let me suggest a fantastic eatery: Fat's Soul Food - 2504 E 9th St N

It's smack dab in the heart of the entertainment district. If you're familiar with the area surrounding U of BJ's campus, you should feel right at home.


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Re: ESPN Analyst Andy Katz - Creighton vs Wichita State



Re: ESPN Analyst Andy Katz - Creighton vs Wichita State

Postby moshock » January 12th, 2013, 5:51 pm

Hunter wrote:I am heading down to Wichita next Saturday for the game with 7 buddies. The plan is to arrive around 12 pm. Do any of the Wichita fans have any (serious) suggestions on where to grab a good lunch and some beers? Thank you in advance.

Go to AJ's Sports Grill
3232 N Rock Rd

Order the Superdome pizza - you won't be sorry

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