shockem wrote:saluki762 wrote:shockem wrote:define "the money" because it has been offered
Show me a legitimate link that says he was offered "the money". If you can show this to me, and he didn't take it, then he is a stupid moron. Always take the money. Loyalty is a stupid BS argument because no one really has it. Every WSU fan that kisses his sphincter right now will be ready to run him out of town if he were to have a couple bad years in a row.
Note sure is this link is considered "legitimate" to you or how you define good money but Nebraska was turned down ... basketballAnd NC State was turned down ... at-wichitaI don't know anything about you, but money isn't everything in life. After you start making a certain amount, you figure out what it takes to live the lifestyle you want, and after that money doesn't mean everything. In your case it may be the only factor, but it's not like that for everyone.
Thanks for the links. Stupid moron is a strong statement and I shouldn't have said it. Still say he should have taken it. Even if you are already a millionaire, leaving a 25% raise on the table is a crazy mistake. I will make the assumption that he was offered a minimum 5 year deal. he left 2.5 million on the table.
Best case scenario, he made Nebraska much better and parlays that into an elite job Worse case, He fails, banks the extra 2.5 million and returns to a school the level of WSU, much the same as McDermott and gives it another go.
We are not talking about a guy that is 100 million deep turning down 2.5 million, then maybe it wouldn't be about the money. 2.5 million is a huge difference for someone at his income level.
I can use Lowery as an example (although obviously Marshall is a better coach), he should have jumped on the money while he was hot. Jump to the BCS level and lose you job, you can always go back to the MVC level. Stay MVC level, lose your job and you are back to the assistant ranks hoping that you eventually get another chance.