Question for Creighton Fans

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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby rlh04d » February 22nd, 2013, 5:48 pm

Jays26 wrote:
If academics are important to you as a sports star, you should be pushing to have your Bachelor's done within three years, and get that sports scholarship paying for your Master's.

If I were his dad, and especially one that gets the power of doubling as his coach, that's what I would have been pushing him for.

Wow...just Wow...that's all I can say about that statement.

Did I say "Wow"

Dude, I know, right?

Education is like, so tough.

No one should ever set their goals at graduating early and then getting a free Master's Degree out of the process. Who would want to do that? Craziness.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans



Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby rlh04d » February 22nd, 2013, 5:54 pm

PantherSigEp wrote:Unless these guys are coming in with a significant amount of college credit from high school I'm not sure I've heard of any athletes graduating in 3 years. I don't see how it's possible unless someone is in a patsy program that requires significantly less credits. At UNI I'd estimate that the average degree requires about 120 credits. So if you take the minimum credits allowed to still be a "full-time student" of 12, each semester, you would graduate in 5 years (10 semesters) assuming you brought in no credits from high school (I think many students bring in at least a few if they went to a school that offered dual-enrollment options). Now the maximum allowed is 21 credits/semester which means they could theoretically earn a degree in about 3 years but that requires a huge commitment from a normal college student, much less a student who also has to worry about practices, travel, etc...I'd have to imagine that no coaches actually allow their athletes to take that type of class load every semester while also competing.

I'm sorry, do they not have summer semesters in Iowa? Or do they close the school over the summer so you can work the fields? >=) I kid, I kid.

There are not two semesters in a year ... there are three. Hell, in most western states, they have four quarters for an academic year rather than semesters (my wife earned her AA degree along with her HS diploma through dual enrollment in Seattle ... graduated from the University of Washington a year and half later, barely 20. She would have barely made it past her redshirt year if she'd played sports instead of writing for the school paper ;) ).

If you take 12 credits a semester, you will graduate in 10 semesters. 9 semesters would be this magical three year mark that's apparently so unbelievable. 5 semesters of 12 credits each = 60 credits. 4 semesters of 15 credits each = 60 credits. Combined, 120 credits. You don't even have to take the maximum of 21 credits ONCE to graduate in three years ... you just take one extra class in four of your nine semesters. And 21 credits would be an insane amount ... I took 15 in some semesters, and that was my limit.

If you bring in dual enrollment credits, as I did and many others do, you might not have to take a single semester with more than 12 credits. All you would need are four classes of dual enrollment, which is extremely reasonable ... I did it, and I would absolutely encourage my children to do the same. Hell, I'd encourage my kids to take summer school, too, to graduate early, but we'll see how that works >=)

I don't understand why this is so confusing. And I don't understand why ANYONE who can handle the academic load while on an athletic scholarship would not attempt to graduate in three years and earn their Master's in their fourth (and fifth if RSed). This isn't magic ... manipulating scholarships and credits to maximize the benefit to you is common sense.

How much does a damn Master's degree from Creighton cost? $50-75 thousand? Why WOULDN'T you get that while on academic scholarship if you could?

Any further questions, while I'm acting as your guidance counselor? :Beer:
Last edited by rlh04d on February 22nd, 2013, 6:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby Deanthonybowdenfan » February 22nd, 2013, 6:31 pm

Ok i get where your coming from rlh04d. You make good points, its just that not everyone views things the same. I agree with Jays26 and PantherSigEp on this one. I think what they are saying is that life isn't a rat race, the culture now is to go way too fast. I think you understand. Hell you live in Hawaii, where the locals definately believe in the concept of taking it easy and enjoy the ride a little bit. Life isn't all about money, or racing to the top. Doug wont be able to get these years back ever. If I was his him I would not be so worried about getting a masters degree. I'd enjoy college and chase my dream of being the best ball player he can be.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby rlh04d » February 22nd, 2013, 6:40 pm

Deanthonybowden wrote:Ok i get where your coming from rlh04d. You make good points, its just that not everyone views things the same. I agree with Jays26 and PantherSigEp on this one. I think what they are saying is that life isn't a rat race, the culture now is to go way too fast. I think you understand. Hell you live in Hawaii, where the locals definately believe in the concept of taking it easy and enjoy the ride a little bit. Life isn't all about money, or racing to the top. Doug wont be able to get these years back ever. If I was his him I would not be so worried about getting a masters degree. I'd enjoy college and chase my dream of being the best ball player he can be.

You're saying that you agree with two people who apparently believe it's impossible to earn a Bachelor's Degree in three years, when I've mathematically and anecdotally proven them wrong already. I don't think you understand what you're agreeing with.

I'm not saying he HAS to do it. I'm saying I would encourage it if I was his father. I guess he could also just get drunk and bang Creighton girls (I'm assuming they're better looking than the ISU cheerleaders I saw the other day? The only woman I've ever seen in a Creighton shirt was a rather large, butchy woman on a beach here recently) while putting up game-photos of himself on his dormroom wall, and while I could see the value in that, it's not what I'd encourage if I was his father >=)

I went to Florida State. I was there when we won Playboy's Best Party College. "Enjoying your college years" is usually just code for "not graduating." (I have no idea how I graduated).

I don't care either way. It was just a passing comment, until I was ignorantly and arrogantly called out for it.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby Heinro » February 22nd, 2013, 7:38 pm

To graduate in 3 years you typically take 6-9 hours in the summer and then 15-18 hours over the Fall and Spring. And another example of someone who graduated in 3 years is RGIII.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby rlh04d » February 22nd, 2013, 8:05 pm

Heinro wrote:To graduate in 3 years you typically take 6-9 hours in the summer and then 15-18 hours over the Fall and Spring. And another example of someone who graduated in 3 years is RGIII.

Pretty easy to take more than that in the summer. You'll usually have multiple summer semesters ... a full summer semester, and a pair of half semesters. Easy to take two classes in each half summer session.

And yeah, RGIII was working on his Master's in his Heisman year.

I would imagine that if you look up past winners of the James Tatum award, or the National Football Foundation Scholar-Athlete Award, just to start with, a large portion of them graduated in three years.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby GoShockers89 » February 22nd, 2013, 8:18 pm

Anyone who graduates in 3 years while playing a D1 sport deserves a ton of credit. Playing a college sport is like having a full time job during the season and having a part time job during the offseason. I know very few people who graduated in less than 4 years while working any significant amount of hours. Conversely, it hardly makes you a slouch not to have done so.

I'm sure it will be a minor factor either way because Doug's dad is a millionaire and his pro contract would likely provide for a reimbursement of tuition if he returns to school.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby bluejays89 » February 22nd, 2013, 8:44 pm

Doug might have been able to take a semester of summer school last year but the previous year he spent a considerable amount of time with the USA under 19 team. There is no doubt that you can do as a D1 athlete but it takes a special kind of student athlete.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby DoubleJayAlum » February 23rd, 2013, 12:05 pm

rlh04d wrote:Is that enough to satisfy your smug, condescending question? I'll wait patiently for your apology.

Not really, as I didn't see a single college basketball player in your list. You kinda cheated and went with athletes of a sport that really only takes place during one college semester (a couple weeks of practice in the spring don't count). A football player can take 15 or 18 hours in the spring because there are not games and very little in the way of formal practices to interfere with formulation of a class schedule or actually attending class.

Unlike football, basketball takes place in both the fall and spring semesters. On top of that, there are multiple games a week and significantly more travel than football which plays most of its games on Saturdays. As a result it is much tougher for a basketball player to finish in three years.

Further, the fact that you would use FSU student athletes as the key to your argument is probably not well thought out. Considering the academic scandals and known cheating that has been prevalent throughout the athletic department, it is pretty hard to take the academic achievements of FSU athletes very seriously. It sounds like they give away diplomas down there pretty easily and recklessly.

Nevertheless, if you want to list 5 basketball players that have earned their degrees in only three years (not including a redshirt year) from the recent past, I'll keep waiting. I received my degree in three years, so I know exactly what it takes.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby shockem » February 23rd, 2013, 12:15 pm

I'll start the list with Kemba Walker. Graduated in 3 years.
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