I do think you're going to have a tough time winning with McDermott as coach without Doug, however. I think you guys got very lucky having the coach's son THAT talented, and getting Echenique as a transfer. Without those two, I think Creighton will struggle for a while.
So we are very lucky to get or top two players (three if you throw in Gibbs), but WSU aren't lucky to get the recruits it gets? Our transfer was becuase of luck, but WSU wasn't lucky to get Armistead? Without him, you are no where near as good as you were this year. I can just as easily say you will struggle next year without Hall and Armstead.
If that is your standard, every team won becasue they were lucky to get their top player(s). Teams get the players they get through the work of their staff. CU was Echinique's second choice when he picked Rutgers out of highshool. When his family became disenchanted with how the coaching staff handled his injury, Altman was at the top of their calling card - not becasue we were lucky, but because of the hard work the staff put in during the recruiting process. When Gibbs chose to leave Gonzaga, he contacted McDermott because of the hard work McDermott had done in recruiting him out of high school, and the situation was right for him.
CU has three very good recruits coming next year, and a very good player who redshirted this year. Altman's last couple of years aside, CU has had very good players going back 15 years before McDermott and Echinique stepped on the floor and we will continue to put very good players on the floor after those two move on. CU will not struggle next year.