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Postby Snaggletooth » March 30th, 2013, 1:03 pm

IllinoisState wrote:
shoxrox wrote:
IllinoisState wrote: And Wichita State may be the best basketball team as of late (excluding Creighton), but overall I wouldn't say that it's necessarily the best.

And who would be the best?

It depends on how one would measure being the "best".

Would NCAA tournament wins be a good metric?
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Postby rlh04d » March 30th, 2013, 1:20 pm

IllinoisState wrote:
rlh04d wrote:
IllinoisState wrote:It was a well written plea, but not entirely true, and being a public school is a strike against it.

Wichita State is the richest athletic program in the conference as a public school. But I get your points.

Win games before you try to get into the conference. It's not a matter of needing to replace CU ... whoever replaces them, there would likely be a spot for a GOOD UMKC in the future. Key word is good. We don't need to add bottom feeders in the hope that the MVC will make them good. Get 20+ wins for a few years in a row and then the MVC will probably want you.

What does Wichita State have to do with UMKC? And Wichita State may be the best basketball team as of late (excluding Creighton), but overall I wouldn't say that it's necessarily the best.

Did you even read my post, or did you just stop after the first two words? Seriously?

YOU excluded UKMC because they were a public school. You specifically said being a public school should be a strike against any possible expansion target. I countered your argument stating that Wichita State is the RICHEST athletic program in the conference despite being a public school. I absolutely did NOT say the best ... these are things you would know if you actually read what I said rather than reading two words and then just creating something to get angry about in your head. My assumption was that you were trying to exclude public schools because of state funding concerns ... if I'm wrong, fine. But at least I actually gave you the respect of reading what you said.

I never once said anything about the QUALITY of WSU. There's no reason to make this some stupid argument where everyone fights over cherry-picked statistics that say which team is the best. SIU had a hell of a run. Creighton had a hell of a run. WSU is having a hell of a run. Illinois State are probably the best karate kickers in the conference. Who gives a damn.
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Postby lurkingdog » March 30th, 2013, 9:14 pm

KC MVC FAN wrote:KC-MVC-UMKC a great fit!!!

God bless you, Don Quixote. The complete failure of (recently fired) mbb coach Brown makes UMKC Valley membership impossible for now.

The conference should probably roll with 9 members until a prospective candidate emerges that will clearly add value. Patience is needed to answer questions such as: (1)will the Big East expand in the next few years, taking Saint Louis and/or Dayton?...(2)will UMKC develop to its potential under Kareem Richardson?

My greatest fear is that the MVC will hastily add Oral Roberts. ORU is full of people who think this planet is only 10,000 years old. Associating with them is not a good look for MVC schools.
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Postby IllinoisState » March 30th, 2013, 10:17 pm

getreal4 wrote:Wichita St has the largest budget, best facilities, best fan base, far and away the largest commitment to Men's BB program in the Valley since Creighton left for greener pastures.

And to rub it in, the Shox have the best team and coaching staff currently.

Best in conference hands down.

Most of that isn't true and the parts that are true don't guarantee anything.

Aargh wrote:
isuredbirds92 wrote:
shoxrox wrote:
And who would be the best?

SIU has the most NCAA appearances...

In the last 10 years, WSU has a W/L % of .833 in the NCAA's.

Cherry-picking stats is a fantastic skill of the posters in this forum.

It wasn't cherry-picking, it was technically correct. Wichita State just got its tenth appearance this year so it's not like missing the latest appearance is surprising and nothing was cherry-picked because nothing else was brought up.

Haha wrote:
Is this correct?

I was under the impression they both now have 10 appearances, am I wrong?

You are correct.

Snaggletooth wrote:
IllinoisState wrote:
shoxrox wrote:
And who would be the best?

It depends on how one would measure being the "best".

Would NCAA tournament wins be a good metric?

I think a combination of a team's overall record, non-conference, and conference games as well as post season appearances and wins. Some mathematical formula of the above would probably be the best.

rlh04d wrote:
IllinoisState wrote:
rlh04d wrote:Wichita State is the richest athletic program in the conference as a public school. But I get your points.

Win games before you try to get into the conference. It's not a matter of needing to replace CU ... whoever replaces them, there would likely be a spot for a GOOD UMKC in the future. Key word is good. We don't need to add bottom feeders in the hope that the MVC will make them good. Get 20+ wins for a few years in a row and then the MVC will probably want you.

What does Wichita State have to do with UMKC? And Wichita State may be the best basketball team as of late (excluding Creighton), but overall I wouldn't say that it's necessarily the best.

Did you even read my post, or did you just stop after the first two words? Seriously?

YOU excluded UKMC because they were a public school. You specifically said being a public school should be a strike against any possible expansion target. I countered your argument stating that Wichita State is the RICHEST athletic program in the conference despite being a public school. I absolutely did NOT say the best ... these are things you would know if you actually read what I said rather than reading two words and then just creating something to get angry about in your head. My assumption was that you were trying to exclude public schools because of state funding concerns ... if I'm wrong, fine. But at least I actually gave you the respect of reading what you said.

I never once said anything about the QUALITY of WSU. There's no reason to make this some stupid argument where everyone fights over cherry-picked statistics that say which team is the best. SIU had a hell of a run. Creighton had a hell of a run. WSU is having a hell of a run. Illinois State are probably the best karate kickers in the conference. Who gives a damn.

Well, since you clearly are not capable of putting two and two together, since Wichita State is already in the MVC it does not matter for expansion. Since it has been said in many threads that a private school is the most probable route that UMKC is not likely purely based on the fact that it is public. Do you understand this?

Talking about reading posts, maybe if you actually did that instead of jumping to conclusions then you wouldn't have posted this. Maybe you should read it all next time before getting so upset .

lurkingdog wrote:
KC MVC FAN wrote:KC-MVC-UMKC a great fit!!!

God bless you, Don Quixote. The complete failure of (recently fired) mbb coach Brown makes UMKC Valley membership impossible for now.

The conference should probably roll with 9 members until a prospective candidate emerges that will clearly add value. Patience is needed to answer questions such as: (1)will the Big East expand in the next few years, taking Saint Louis and/or Dayton?...(2)will UMKC develop to its potential under Kareem Richardson?

My greatest fear is that the MVC will hastily add Oral Roberts. ORU is full of people who think this planet is only 10,000 years old. Associating with them is not a good look for MVC schools.

That's how I feel about ORU.
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Postby TNMSUFAN » March 31st, 2013, 10:47 am

http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketb ... uri-valley

While interest in UMKC was termed perhaps preliminary at best and in the early stages at the moment, the conference is actively seeking what most likely will be a Midwest replacement for Creighton, which announced earlier this month it is leaving for the Big East.

Other schools mentioned for the Valley -- Belmont and Oral Roberts -- aren't believed to be serious candidates at the moment.
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Postby KC MVC FAN » April 7th, 2013, 12:44 pm

Now that WSU lost a close one to Louisville, time to get serious about a replacement for CU. Lots of talk, ifs, ors, and buts on the forum on who, what and when. Not going to replace CU--too good of a program. No really top midwest BB schools out there. MVC probably can't be real picky.

1st priority is to not lose WSU (or Coach Marshall). 2nd priority is do not break up the MVC and have the eastern half of the MVC merge with the left over A-10 schools.

A possibility would be to cut the loose the smaller MVC schools (BU, Drake, Evansville) and go looking for 3 or 4 replacement state universities with BB histories (Colorado State, New Mexico State, Western Kentucky, etc.).

Or stay at 9 schools for a year--not sure that is a good BB or financial idea!!

Forget SLU and Dayton---not going to happen

Still think UMKC would be a good add to the MVC---location, big market area, downtown Municipal Auditorium, MVC footprint, recruitin potential with MVC membership, new coach, great BB growth potential!!!!! If MVC contract with St Louis expires in 14 or 15, KC's New SPRINT Center a great 16000 seat site for the MVC tournament
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Postby unipanther99 » April 7th, 2013, 1:18 pm

So dump Bradley, Evansville, and the oldest member of the MVC, Drake, to add UMKC and others with FBS football? Yeah, that makes sense.
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Postby Haha » April 7th, 2013, 1:40 pm


Are you really this special or are you fishing? Your input makes no sense logically and to top it off is hard to even follow.
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Postby rlh04d » April 7th, 2013, 1:42 pm

unipanther99 wrote:So dump Bradley, Evansville, and the oldest member of the MVC, Drake, to add UMKC and others with FBS football? Yeah, that makes sense.

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Postby flybird1 » April 7th, 2013, 1:50 pm

So now that we are out of the final four, I expect things to ratchet up a notch. If New Mexico State is interested, I'd like to hear about that. Of course they are western fringe, that's why we should add an eastern school for balance. Now that we made news making it to the final four, I expect us to make headlines with the addition.
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