Bmarq04 wrote:As an ISUr fan, I'm pumped that Teddy will play next year. However, there are 8 coaches with legit concers about the ruling. Marshall was well within his right to decline the waiver and it sounds like he did. Nothing to be mad about there. It would be easier if the conference just went by the normal NCAA rules and he just sat out one year.
What drives me nuts (even about my own fan base) is the over the top homer-ism and my coach/team/players can do no wrong. Lots of ISU fans don't like Marshall because they think he whines to get every call. Personally, if someone is fighting for their guys, that makes them competitive, not a whiner. Here, Muller was listed as "begging" to get Teddy to play. Reality is both coaches are fighting for their guys. As a fan, I wouldn't want it any other way. I'd want my coach to fight and claw for every advantage. No different than players doing the same on the court. Unfortunately it will always rub others wrong. Some just can't look at it from the other side and say "I'd want my coach to do the same in that situation too."
As for the Dana Ford leaving early issue, I get why WSU fans and staff would be ticked, but you have to understand that getting a promotion and to your old school would be something nearly everyone would do. I'd be upset if that happened here but would understand.
A nice post.