MVC post-season awards

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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby pafan » February 27th, 2014, 11:02 pm

PantherSigEp wrote:Mock is a good, solid player but I don't know how you could justify a player from Evansville, literally the worst defensive team in the league, over someone (Cotton) from Wichita State, the best defensive team by a good margin.

Mostly: Its easier for me to pick the best from a bad defensive team that I see every few days, than the best from an excellent defensive team that I've seen once. I don't recall Cotton being outstanding that one day, but I may be jaded -- not only is Evansville the worst defensive team, it is the 2th-worst offense. :Violin:
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Re: MVC post-season awards



Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby PantherSigEp » February 27th, 2014, 11:04 pm

And for those who are discounting Washpun due to scoring stats here is why he is a better offensive and defensive player than Knight. I should mention that most of these stats are from the season as a whole, not just MVC (couldn't find overall stats for both players in just the conference season). However, considering that Wes has played significantly tougher opponents over the course of the season, in my opinion, makes his stats even more impressive.

Yes, Knight averages more points per game but he also takes twice as many shots (324 shots attempted on the season to Washpun's 163). Washpun is scoring 8 ppg while shooting 47% (Knight ~38%) including 39% from 3 (Knight ~31%). Wes grabs only 1 less rebound a game as well so I wouldn't necessarily tout Knight as a superior rebounder (they're also the same height and weight according to ESPN). At this point you could say that perhaps Knight has a slight advantage offensively, due strictly to scoring more points (remember he is also the focal point of ISU's offense where Wes is definitely not the Panthers go to guy...even at the guard position perhaps). Where I think Washpun really separates himself is at his ball handling and defense.

Whether its overall or just MVC stats, Wes is one of the top guards in the league in terms of assists and A/TO ratio (3.7 assists + 1.5 a/to overall; 4.1 assists + 1.7 a/to in MVC games), ranking in the Top 10, along with teammate Deon Mitchell, in both categories (both overall and MVC). Knight is getting only 2.3 assists a game and his A/TO ratio is a very mediocre 1.0 (67 assists to 66 TO's on the season). I don't believe Knight is the Redbirds main ball-handler but having watched him play a couple times I'd say he still gets a fair amount of touches that make this a relevant category to look at.

Washpun is also the Panther's best on-the-ball defender due to being an absolute freak, athletically. He doesn't get tons of steals (27 on the season to Knights 32) but just watching him you can see him frustrate opposing players, forces mistakes and poor shots and he plays in control, fouling far less than you'd expect from someone who regularly has to match up with an opponents best guard. I believe he's actually been called for a good number of fouls this year simply because refs assume he can't actually be that athletic and couldn't possibly have made that play without fouling the player. If you add in the Panthers #34 ranked non-con schedule, Washpun would actually crack the MVC's top 10 for blocked shots. He'd be the only guard to do so and at 6'1 (on a windy day and that flat-top isn't all that flat) no less. He should have a handful more but has been harshly whistled (referring back a few sentences) a couple times. The kid gets unbelievable air. His athleticism makes it very obvious as to why Cuonzo Martin wanted him at Tennessee.

Overall I believe Washpun to be the better guard and a better overall player. If Washpun were taking as many shots as Knight were, based on better shooting %'s he'd likely be averaging 16+ ppg. I don't think he should be penalized just because he isn't being asked to be the Panthers big offensive threat.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby TheAsianSensation » February 28th, 2014, 12:08 am

COY Marshall
Set everything aside - the high rankings, the national attention, the debates - dude is about to run the table in the Valley. That's insane.

POY Van Vleet
You can talk me into Early in this spot. Frankly this vote is going to be a mess. I'd be shocked if anyone got 50% of the vote.

FOY Doyle

NOY Washpun but I could be talked into someone else here

DPOY Cotton
I'm about to rob him of 1st team, so this is an easy choice for me.

1st team
Van Vleet

FVV and Early are locks. And Baker. I wouldn't argue against 4 Shockers on the 1st team. I at least like my teams to have some semblance of a starting 5, so Tuttle by default. You could talk me into Cotton > Odum, and Ballentine has to be part of the conversation. I mean, he leads the scoring race by 4 points, we can argue about wins and losses, but at some point you have to give some credence to it. I'll go Odum to throw a bone to the clear #2 team in the conference.

2nd team

Ballentine, Cotton,...after this I have no freakin clue what to do. In theory, one guard spot left, and there's way too many candidates. When in doubt, I've giving it to the players higher in the standings. Beane's better than Jackson, so him. Gulley gets MSU representation. Mock may be the best raw player, but can I put 2 UE players in here? Well Lemon's getting screwed by the overloaded guard position, so Pickett.

No Redbirds, :twisted: , can't find a place for Desmar, can't even find a place for Lemon who has worse numbers than Desmar.

My hypothetical 3rd team: Mock, Desmar, and Doyle would be clear choices, then I'd put Lynchfor ISU representation (would be ridiculous for no ISU representation), and then either Lemon or Carter, but with DU being the only team not yet represented, I'd go Carter > Lemon. My god, I'd have Lemon on the 4th team, legitimately.

6th man should be given to each of Coleby, Lufile and Carter based on principle. A national version of the world-famous TAS Bracketology. Spread the word
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby rlh04d » February 28th, 2014, 12:57 am

TheAsianSensation wrote: and Ballentine has to be part of the conversation. I mean, he leads the scoring race by 4 points, we can argue about wins and losses, but at some point you have to give some credence to it.

I disagree. In fact, when Evansville continues to have one of the main scoring leaders nearly every season, and continually fields poor teams, I think at some point you have to STOP giving credence to it.

Evansville's leading scorer and their rank in the Valley in points:
2013-14: DJ Balentine, 1st (667)
2012-13: Colt Ryan, 2nd (685)
2011-12: Colt Ryan, 2nd (656)
2010-11: Colt Ryan, 5th (503)
2009-10: Colt Ryan, 7th (435)
2008-09: Shy Ely, 1st (587)
2007-08: Shy Ely, 9th (431)

And in that period, they've finished in the top half of the conference ... twice? Evansville continually puts out a high scoring player that isn't as good as his points total because of the system. There's a reason none of these guys are getting looks from NBA teams.

I'd have more respect for Balentine's accomplishment if his 42.6% FG% wasn't lower than seven different players on WSU's roster alone, while he's played nearly 200 more minutes than the highest player on WSU's roster.

He's a good player ... and I think he might be better than Colt Ryan, and it's interesting that he's already scored more this year than any of Ryan's first three years. But at this point I just don't give any credence to Evansville having a ridiculously high scorer when they're playing on Thursday night. I don't give a ton of credibility to spread, up tempo offense QBs for the Heisman, either, because their system creates gaudy numbers that don't accurately reflect their ability.
Last edited by rlh04d on February 28th, 2014, 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby TheAsianSensation » February 28th, 2014, 1:01 am

Well there's a difference between being one of the top scorers, and the top scorer.

But the conversation was had, and he's not worthy, so nyah. ;) A national version of the world-famous TAS Bracketology. Spread the word
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby Wufan » February 28th, 2014, 6:53 am

I'm going to throw out WSUs Darius Carter for NCOY and 6th man.

18 MPG, 8.3 ppg, 4.4 rpg, 0.8 bpg, 54% FG.

His average per 29 minutes,Tuttle's averag, is 13 points, 7 rebounds, 1.2 blocks.

Tuttle is 15, 8, and 1.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby Bmarq04 » February 28th, 2014, 7:28 am

PantherSigEp wrote:And for those who are discounting Washpun due to scoring stats here is why he is a better offensive and defensive player than Knight. I should mention that most of these stats are from the season as a whole, not just MVC (couldn't find overall stats for both players in just the conference season). However, considering that Wes has played significantly tougher opponents over the course of the season, in my opinion, makes his stats even more impressive.

Yes, Knight averages more points per game but he also takes twice as many shots (324 shots attempted on the season to Washpun's 163). Washpun is scoring 8 ppg while shooting 47% (Knight ~38%) including 39% from 3 (Knight ~31%). Wes grabs only 1 less rebound a game as well so I wouldn't necessarily tout Knight as a superior rebounder (they're also the same height and weight according to ESPN). At this point you could say that perhaps Knight has a slight advantage offensively, due strictly to scoring more points (remember he is also the focal point of ISU's offense where Wes is definitely not the Panthers go to guy...even at the guard position perhaps). Where I think Washpun really separates himself is at his ball handling and defense.

Whether its overall or just MVC stats, Wes is one of the top guards in the league in terms of assists and A/TO ratio (3.7 assists + 1.5 a/to overall; 4.1 assists + 1.7 a/to in MVC games), ranking in the Top 10, along with teammate Deon Mitchell, in both categories (both overall and MVC). Knight is getting only 2.3 assists a game and his A/TO ratio is a very mediocre 1.0 (67 assists to 66 TO's on the season). I don't believe Knight is the Redbirds main ball-handler but having watched him play a couple times I'd say he still gets a fair amount of touches that make this a relevant category to look at.

Washpun is also the Panther's best on-the-ball defender due to being an absolute freak, athletically. He doesn't get tons of steals (27 on the season to Knights 32) but just watching him you can see him frustrate opposing players, forces mistakes and poor shots and he plays in control, fouling far less than you'd expect from someone who regularly has to match up with an opponents best guard. I believe he's actually been called for a good number of fouls this year simply because refs assume he can't actually be that athletic and couldn't possibly have made that play without fouling the player. If you add in the Panthers #34 ranked non-con schedule, Washpun would actually crack the MVC's top 10 for blocked shots. He'd be the only guard to do so and at 6'1 (on a windy day and that flat-top isn't all that flat) no less. He should have a handful more but has been harshly whistled (referring back a few sentences) a couple times. The kid gets unbelievable air. His athleticism makes it very obvious as to why Cuonzo Martin wanted him at Tennessee.

Overall I believe Washpun to be the better guard and a better overall player. If Washpun were taking as many shots as Knight were, based on better shooting %'s he'd likely be averaging 16+ ppg. I don't think he should be penalized just because he isn't being asked to be the Panthers big offensive threat.

I won't argue about Washpun being a solid all around player - he certainly is. I will have to admit, I haven't seen him play much. But being an ISUr fan, I'm much more familiar with Knight. In the two games against eachother (where I do remember Washpun being on Knight on D when UNI ran man) Washpun was pretty absent.

Knight averaged 12 pts, 4 reb, 3 asst, 3.5 stl, 3 TO, and zero blocks while shooting 42% from the field, 33% from 3 and 100% at the line.

Washpun averaged 2.5 pts, 3.5 reb, 3.5 asst, 2 stl, 1.5 blocks, and 4.5 TO while shooting 20% from the field, 0% from 3, and 75% from the line. All while playing 3.5 min more per game.

I completely realize this is a comparison in a vacuum, but I do believe that when players that are essentially the same (height/weight/position/guarded each other a fair amount/etc.) player are seen as equal, that head to head becomes valid. In the two games I saw Washpun up close, although he was still solid and brought plenty of upside, he was not the better player.

The stats you have are compelling and I do agree that he has the ball as more of a distributor role than DK so his shot volume is less and his asst is more. However, I don't think its a completely accurate statement to say he's a better defender and ball handler. Clearly he's TO prone when facing an in your face D that presses and traps (6 TOs in the game at normal). He does get way more blocks than DK, but DK averages more steals, points, and rebs while playing less min. Plus, I have to give Knight the edge based on winning the newcomer of the week award 4 times to Washpun's 1.

I think its a pretty fair debate. HOWEVER, if Doyle is eligible for this award as someone else stated, then this is an argument for 2nd best NOY.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby achrist70 » February 28th, 2014, 9:00 am

The issue of Ballentine is a tricky one, I saw him go for his biggest output and still wasn't that impressed. Yes, he has great scoring stats. It seemed to me that Marty was just trying to pad his stats. Why is your best player in the game when you are down 25 with 5 minutes to play. I honestly believe that if you put him on UNI's team he is essentially Matt Bohannon. If he is at Wichita he is a 15-20 or so minute a game guy averaging 8-10 a game.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby PantherSigEp » February 28th, 2014, 9:07 am

I was not able to watch the first game in Normal but in the latest match up, in Cedar Falls, Wes completely shut down Knight, who I believe he guarded in the first half. Knight scored just 2 pts and I believe Wes wasn't in the game at that time as Morrison was playing point. Same in the 2nd half, where knight scored 7 of his 9 pts. I don't think Wes was in the game for most of those buckets and knight was being guarded by a combo of Mitchell, Martino and maybe Morgan. Also the problem with comparing head to head in those games is that Knight and Wes played completely different roles in those matchups.

UNI went straight at ISU with Tuttle and he manhandled the RedBirds in the paint, scoring 33 pts on 19 attempted shots. Knight attempted the same amount of shots, scoring a respectable 24 points. Washpun attempted 5 total shots in those 2 games, including just one in the latest meeting, a missed 3. I think part of that was because of Lynch's presence in the paint (although Mitchell showed you can be undersized and still exploit Reggie) but also because it wasn't necessary to take shots when Tuttle, Buss and Bohannon were shredding the RedBirds in the lane and on the perimeter. Again, if Wes were the focus of our offense and was expected to take double digit shots each game like Knight then you might be onto something. Wes has proven himself to be significantly more efficient with his shooting and distribution than Knight for a majority of the season.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby Bmarq04 » February 28th, 2014, 9:15 am

PantherSigEp wrote:Wes has proven himself to be significantly more efficient with his shooting and distribution than Knight for a majority of the season.

This I'll give you for sure. Knight hasn't been the most efficient shooter and Wes has distributed better.

I think you and I could go round and round and since we both believe in "our" guy, we could use stats to prove either of our points. They're both quality and I'll admit, having only seen Wes twice, I don't have a huge sample size to really give a high end assessment of him. It would be interesting to see how voting would shake up if it was between these two.

However, as I said, if Doyle is eligible for this, I think he gets it easy.
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