MVC post-season awards

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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby PantherSigEp » March 1st, 2014, 7:27 pm

Cdizzle wrote:
PantherSigEp wrote:
Cdizzle wrote:Yup. Tuttle wouldn't play for WSU. Not because he isn't a good basketball player. But because he can't run up and down the floor more than 4 times without needing his coach to call a timeout.

Interesting because every for ESPN or Comcast broadcast I've seen this year for UNI the announcers always remark how Seth is one of the first players down the court and runs so well for a big guy. But thanks for playing buddy.

He can run. He can't run for 30 minutes. Beating Seth VanDeest down the court doesn't win the league. You're trying to be offended about something that isn't offensive.

Really? Because he doesn't average 30 mins a game he wouldn't play for Wichita State? Only Van Vleet and Cotton play more than 30 mins on average for the Shox. Tuttle played for 29 mins/game this year. Early was the only WSU forward to play more than 18 mins (27.5 mpg).

I wouldn't say I'm offended, I'm simply questioning your statement. I have no idea what your point is about Tuttle. Are you saying he is slow? Doesn't hustle? Has poor conditioning? It's not very clear what your point is about him not being able to "run up and down the court more than 4 times without needing his coach to call timeout"
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Re: MVC post-season awards



Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby MVCfans » March 1st, 2014, 8:18 pm

This year it was really difficult choosing All-MVC teams. We all have our own criteria and the decisions are very far from black and white. I expressed on twitter that I think very highly of one player who I gave 1st team recognition to, but who I doubt other voters will. In turn, by adding that player to my first team, someone had to get bumped down to the second team. Again, not an easy decision.

While I have MVC media credentials, I am not one of the designated school voters who will be actually choosing the award winners. I am sure that you understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I have done my best to be fair to the process.

My All-MVC teams will be posted at noon tomorrow.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby BCPanther » March 1st, 2014, 8:53 pm

VanVleet- POY

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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby Wufan » March 1st, 2014, 8:55 pm

BCPanther wrote:VanVleet- POY


I'd buy that.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby 2livewu » March 1st, 2014, 10:01 pm

Trying not to be a homer, I don't know how you can objectively put Odum ahead of Cotton. Tekele has been a game changer almost throughout the Valley season. No offense intended towards Jake and his outstanding career.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby mvcfan » March 1st, 2014, 10:08 pm

I think that Tuttle would play for WSU. We play so many 5's interchangeably that I'm not sure if he would start or not but he would be on equal footing with the 5s on this years team. His style would have to change to play. He would play a little more facing the basket in addition to his back to the basket skills. He would also have to run the floor more. The only skill that I have not seen him on the same level as our present 5s is his shot blocking and rim protecting skills. I would say that his back to the basket offensive skills are a little better than Carter's but Carter may have a higher ceiling. Carter, next year is going to be a handful for other teams. He is just getting his feet wet this year after Juco ball and he and Mockevicius (I don't think that Tuttle returns) will be head and shoulders above all of the other 5's in the league. Carter is an athletic stud and very fast when he is running the court.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby glm38 » March 1st, 2014, 10:32 pm

Why wouldn't Tuttle return?
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby musiccitybulldog » March 1st, 2014, 10:52 pm

I could easily see Cotton, Baker, Van Vleet and Early as first team. and I could see giving the nod to the WSU 5 because he also had to help make the team function, undefeated season and competitive run happen. I can't remember anything quite like this since the UCLA days of the early 70's. Every Valley team has their stand out player, but this WSU team is very much an anomaly to what we normally watch compete.
Even when WSU was on the national scene in the early 80's other Valley teams had players such as Lewis Lloyd and Paul Pressey that were NBA caliber players. I think you have to give credit where it is due.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby AndShock » March 1st, 2014, 11:04 pm

2livewu wrote:Trying not to be a homer, I don't know how you can objectively put Odum ahead of Cotton. Tekele has been a game changer almost throughout the Valley season. No offense intended towards Jake and his outstanding career.

Objectively, you can't. But the MVC post-season awards have always seemed to stray away from objectivity and more towards seniority and spreading the wealth.
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Re: MVC post-season awards

Postby ShoxNAwe » March 1st, 2014, 11:28 pm

Agreed. The All MVC awards tend to look more like there's strict government regulations regarding equal opportunity in force.

At times, Tekele Cotton has been the best player on the court, regardless the opponent. Unfortunately, Cotton is typecast as a 'decent' defensive player as witnessed by how he was dissed last year. So this year he will get credit for his defensive work but won't get any consideration for the significant offensive contribution he made to this historic team.

Fortunately, WSU players dismiss personal accolades in favor of team achievement, except when the lack of recognition can be used as motivation.

Next year, when Tekele is a senior, he will collect enough 'lifetime achievement award' votes to perhaps slip onto the first team. But you know he will be celebrating his team's second straight MVC title a little more.
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