glm38 wrote:stl scooter wrote:Mislav Brzoja has been the third best player (IMO) on the team so far (backing up Wing & Simmons). Jaylon Moore and David Howard look much better than anytime in their careers.
The Gulf coast tourny will answer most of our questions about this team.
Any chance he starts?
I think he will start somewhere down the line, but I don't really care whether he does , or not, as long as he plays 30-35 minutes. And yes, he is the third best player on the team. He is the best passer, second best rebounder, and second, or third, best scorer. He also plays with an attitute, an area that the Aces are somewhat challenged.
Wiley's red shirt won't help this year, but we should not be a Thursday team this year either. The next 8 games will tell us what we need to know about the Aces.
Mock tweaked a knee last night, and while it didn't seem to bother him much, he only played 15 mintues, and will have to be watched as the season goes on.