Shockers Down !

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Re: Shockers Down !

Postby GoAcesgo » December 26th, 2014, 10:22 am

BTW, if the "rambler resurgence" is true, WSU loss royally just hurt Loyala, just hurt UNI, just hurt Evansville chances for at-large. Because there are 5 other MVC teams that will have RPI when it is all said and done that will be in 200-300 range. The MVC margin for getting multiple teams in the NCAA is very small.[/quote]
I was thinking the same thing this loss might hurt the MVC on getting muliple bids, I guess time will tell on these pre-conference losses/wins, but if the Shockers win the conference like I think they will this hurts everybody else in the conference.
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Re: Shockers Down !



Re: Shockers Down !

Postby FearDaTrees » December 26th, 2014, 10:35 am

Lol. It's funny to see how butt hurt Shucker fans get when they lose. Guy said he checked the score on his phone and didn't notice it was in Hawaii and you rip him like he belittled WSU for an entire page. Get over yourselves and welcome back to mid major status. Clowns.
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Re: Shockers Down !

Postby Play Angry » December 26th, 2014, 11:01 am

I know I'd sure appreciate another breakdown on ISUb's chances of an at-large or running the table from the board's resident giant forehead.
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Re: Shockers Down !

Postby Brot4britu » December 26th, 2014, 11:33 am

Well, now, I do not believe I was the one who said "The mighty WSU has fallen" --I may be skimming over too fast but I read nowhere was that said.
Suffice it to say, I maintain WSU is best in the Valley, period---BUT others are lurking.
Cripes !! No team can play as well as Shockers have done in this present period. It cannot last forever--unless Wooden has returned from Heaven, or perhaps a BUTLER who actually had help from its "Conference" when actually they did not need it.

To close I like what I see in WSU's team BUT others are catching up---IT happens !

And BTW, I apologized for assuming WSU was at home for the loss---Maybe I should parade aorund OHIO (my home now) in sack cloth and ashes, for making such a serious error !!!!
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Re: Shockers Down !

Postby COUTEAU » December 26th, 2014, 11:45 am

Have to agree with uniftw, on his remark of just how badly SHOX, misses Cle. He was what made everyone better and could take over a game, when needed down the stretch.
Fred & Ron are very good and truly one of the best backcourts, in the country. But, if one or as a unit, both are off, SHOX seems to have no one to go to, when really necessary.
I also feel, with having no true big man in the middle, they were vulnerable in both the UTAH and Hawaii games, because of tall athletic Centers. Jankovic and Poeltl (actually listed as a 7'0" Forward)
Then again last night with Larsen.
In the past few years, a lot on here have criticized Coach Simmons for the minutes Colt and now DJ would/ will get. Well, Baker and VV both are at 32 a game and DJ is at 35. With Cotton getting just around 30, seems Coach Marshal's bench may not be as deep as he had hoped.
That's what I think is SHOX's Achilles Heal.
May come down to a battle of attrition, for SHOX, each and every time out. MVC team's may just try to wear them down. And, a long 18 game schedule could just do that.
SHOX, will most likely win the regular season tittle. But, perhaps be upset, in St Louis. Because, everyone they play would have already seen them twice.

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Re: Shockers Down !

Postby unipanther99 » December 26th, 2014, 11:49 am

Snaggletooth wrote:
Brot4britu wrote:No, not stupid just tired from Christmas and all--

BTW, if the "rambler resurgence" is true, WSU loss royally just hurt Loyala, just hurt UNI, just hurt Evansville chances for at-large. Because there are 5 other MVC teams that will have RPI when it is all said and done that will be in 200-300 range. The MVC margin for getting multiple teams in the NCAA is very small.

I don't think the WSU loss has hurt UNI. In some super small RPI sort of way, sure. But enough to jeopardize them getting in the tournament? No. UNI's path is fairly clear. Take care of business at home, no super bad losses on the road, and they're not only good, but easily a single digit seed.
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Re: Shockers Down !

Postby Wufan » December 26th, 2014, 12:04 pm

uniftw wrote:
ShoxNAwe wrote:Congrats, Bro, on a team (THE team) from your conference losing a game in the non-conference slate. What's wrong? Look no further than a senior starter who is injured and hasn't played for 2 1/2 games. Is that enough?

If not, I suggest they've gotten over-confident that they can pull out games all the time, no matter how far down they are. The team hasn't had a real practice in about a week. That changes very soon.

We've been told year after year after year recently that the freshman coming in where every bit as good, if not better, than the people they were replacing - including a large amount of bragging about this years freshman/sophomore classes - and there would be zero drop off from previous teams to this one and going forward. Now that they are being put through the ringer things aren't as rosey with them as we were told.

I still think WSU is a very good team and by the end of the season will be much better but HI, GW, and Bama aren't world beaters and had ISUr, Evansville, MSU, etc...

I could be wrong, but I'm not sure anyone said there would be zero drop off, and if they did, that was hardly the consensus.

Second, we did not lose to Hawaii or Alabama, and if another team lost to Bama or at UH, I doubt they would get berated by WSU fans.

Third, GW is a top 20 RPI team.
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Re: Shockers Down !

Postby Rollbird5 » December 26th, 2014, 1:31 pm

If UNI or the Redbirds would've lost to those teams I can almost guarantee we'd be hearing it from the shocker posters
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Re: Shockers Down !

Postby Snaggletooth » December 26th, 2014, 1:36 pm

FearDaTrees wrote:Lol. It's funny to see how butt hurt shocker fans get when they lose.
I guess when you are a fan of ISUB you get use to being a loser.
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Re: Shockers Down !

Postby FearDaTrees » December 29th, 2014, 1:43 pm

Snaggletooth wrote:
FearDaTrees wrote:Lol. It's funny to see how butt hurt shocker fans get when they lose.
I guess when you are a fan of ISUB you get use to being a loser.

How many MVC tournaments have the Shox won since 2000? How many has ISU won? Every team has down years and this just happens to be one for ISU. The Shox had a period from 1988-2006 where they didn't have a single NCAA tourney appearance so don't act like WSU is Duke or something. More like a midwestern mid-major that is coming back down to earth.
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