January 24th-25th games

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Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby Cdizzle » January 26th, 2015, 10:49 am

GOREDBIRDS4 wrote:This comment makes no sense. The game was won on a shot with 5 seconds left. The game may have turned at the point where UNI went zone but it wasn't won until that 3 ball in the corner. And still wasnt even won at that point yet. A lucky win with 5 seconds left and you are telling me that you won the game already. Is this your first game you have ever watched?

Was it really lucky? ISUr opponents get lucky A LOT.
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Re: January 24th-25th games



Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby GOREDBIRDS4 » January 26th, 2015, 10:50 am

Cdizzle wrote:
GOREDBIRDS4 wrote:Shocking, more classless UNI fans on here. Everywhere you look its one after another.

When you think every other fanbase is classless......well. I do not like to generalize fanbases based on the comments of a few online posters, at least not over short periods of time. Especially when that fanbase previously provided some of the best interaction around. I find it interesting that most of the ISUr posters of old no longer post much anywhere, including on their own forum. They seem to have been drowned out by newer, louder, vitriol-spewing folks. So it goes.

The UNI fans on this forum are generally very respectful of all the teams in the league. Sure, they get in their jabs, as we all do, but I enjoy having them around. If they are doing a bit more boasting than usual of late, I will not begrudge them, as their team's 18-2 record and awaiting a firm planting in the Top 20 makes one justified in sticking out the chest a little.

Never met a nice UNI fan in my life (okay 1 actually, 4 years ago in STL). Been to the city a few times, been to arch madness 7 times. They just don't exist. Worst fan base in the valley. I don't like to call out people or fan bases either like this but when you read and hear continuous crap from the same team year in and year out, its gets old... fast!
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Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby GOREDBIRDS4 » January 26th, 2015, 10:52 am

Cdizzle wrote:
GOREDBIRDS4 wrote:This comment makes no sense. The game was won on a shot with 5 seconds left. The game may have turned at the point where UNI went zone but it wasn't won until that 3 ball in the corner. And still wasnt even won at that point yet. A lucky win with 5 seconds left and you are telling me that you won the game already. Is this your first game you have ever watched?

Was it really lucky? ISUr opponents get lucky A LOT.

Yes I think UNI was LUCKY that an 84% free throw shooter missed a free throw and subsequently hit a 3 pointer.
I would consider that LUCKY on UNIs part. Mathematically speaking, it should have been a 4 point game and game over.
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Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby unipanther99 » January 26th, 2015, 10:53 am

Buss is one of our best 3 point shooters and he was wide open. I don't think that counts as a lucky shot.

I agree that the game wasn't "won" when UNI went zone, but as you said that was a key turning point. I think Muller even accepted blame for the lack of adjustments in his post game comments.

As for the UNI fan base, you're entitled to your opinion.
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Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby unipanther99 » January 26th, 2015, 10:54 am

GOREDBIRDS4 wrote:Mathematically speaking, it should have been a 4 point game and game over.

I don't think that's how math works.
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Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby GOREDBIRDS4 » January 26th, 2015, 10:55 am

unipanther99 wrote:
GOREDBIRDS4 wrote:Mathematically speaking, it should have been a 4 point game and game over.

I don't think that's how math works.

2+1+1 = 4
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Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby Khan4Cats » January 26th, 2015, 10:56 am

uniftw wrote:
Redbird Recon wrote:I find this comment a tad asinine. 2 free throws from an 84%er would have sealed it. Congrats on the W. Next Saturday should be a great one.

If you don't see how this game was lost well before that set of free throws them you might have a lower basketball IQ than Muller.

12 point lead and all of the momentum in the world. UNI goes zone at that point and the game was over. Just a matter how how quickly it swung back to UNI for good. Not only that, Morgan picked up his 4th foul with 5 plus min left in the game and there was no effort made to attack him in anyway

It was clear Muller wasn't going to coach his team to a W. If ISU were to win that it would have been inspite of Muller. Had Muller made any adjustments at all for a zone offense they win.

22 more shots taken, more points off turnovers, more rebounds and yet less FG made and less points scored.

A zone offense that consisted entirely of 4 people standing still and an occasional slow pass from the point to the wing and right back to the point.

Again, the score might not have showed it until late but that game was lost way before that Buss 3 for anyone who knows basketball

This comment makes no sense. The game was won on a shot with 5 seconds left. The game may have turned at the point where UNI went zone but it wasn't won until that 3 ball in the corner. And still wasnt even won at that point yet. A lucky win with 5 seconds left and you are telling me that you won the game already. Is this your first game you have ever watched?

May be a dumb comment but dumb doesn't equate with classless, and certainly not 'one after another' as you posted.

Classless is kicking someone in the chest and claiming it's incidental.

Classless is throwing deep down the middle up two scores with two minutes left in a game.

Classless is calling someone classless for making a dumb argument or an arugment you don't agree with.
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Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby GOREDBIRDS4 » January 26th, 2015, 10:57 am

unipanther99 wrote:Buss is one of our best 3 point shooters and he was wide open. I don't think that counts as a lucky shot.

I agree that the game wasn't "won" when UNI went zone, but as you said that was a key turning point. I think Muller even accepted blame for the lack of adjustments in his post game comments.

As for the UNI fan base, you're entitled to your opinion.

I didn't say the shot was lucky. The fact that an 84% free throw shooter missed the free throw at home is LUCKY. Subsequently, a good play happened by UNI. UNI can't do anything to defend a free throw. That is what I would call LUCKY.
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Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby GOREDBIRDS4 » January 26th, 2015, 11:00 am

Khan4Cats wrote:May be a dumb comment but dumb doesn't equate with classless, and certainly not 'one after another' as you posted.

Classless is kicking someone in the chest and claiming it's incidental.

Classless is throwing deep down the middle up two scores with two minutes left in a game.

Classless is calling someone classless for making a dumb argument or an arugment you don't agree with.

1.) That was incidental. Period.
2.) Whatever it takes to win the game. It's not over until victory formation. Ever heard of Bill Belichick.
3.) I am not calling someone classless do to the argument on this message board. However, there are a lot of posts on here that back up what I have met in person.
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Re: January 24th-25th games

Postby Championz » January 26th, 2015, 11:03 am

84% =/= 100%

It's not hard math. 84% FT shooters do miss free throws. That's why they're 84%.

I'm glad that the Redbird fanbase IQ continues to impress.
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