Race for 3rd

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Re: Race for 3rd

Postby Rambler63 » February 4th, 2015, 6:02 pm

Evansville has the easiest schedule, it seems to me. Will probably come down to the last home game against the Redbirds. Maybe their new coach will be broken in by then.
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Re: Race for 3rd



Re: Race for 3rd

Postby rlh04d » February 4th, 2015, 9:04 pm

IMO, if Illinois State can win their home game against WSU, they take third. Otherwise Indiana State does -- their overall remaining schedule is easier.
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Re: Race for 3rd

Postby glm38 » February 4th, 2015, 9:45 pm

I think ISUR has the best talent of those 3. I think they'll find a way to pull out 3rd.
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Re: Race for 3rd

Postby shockem » February 5th, 2015, 10:02 am

I see ILL State finishing 3rd purely based on them having the momentum and talent to bring it together. Wouldn't be surprised to see them beat WSU in Normal. I think we'll sweep Indy State.
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Re: Race for 3rd

Postby uniftw » February 5th, 2015, 10:06 am

shockem wrote:I see ILL State finishing 3rd purely based on them having the momentum and talent to bring it together. Wouldn't be surprised to see them beat WSU in Normal. I think we'll sweep Indy State.

I'm glad we snuck out of Normal with that W.

I don't want to play in Normal late in the year this year...or see them in St. Louis.

Jokes aside about the first place vote and most talented team quote they do have a very talented/scary to face team
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Re: Race for 3rd

Postby Rollbird5 » February 5th, 2015, 11:31 am

It's just nice to be finally healthy (knock on wood), now we can start to see what this team can really do. Hopefully we stay hot and peak for archmadness
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Re: Race for 3rd

Postby isuredbirds92 » February 5th, 2015, 11:52 am

What was the final ruling on the Hawkins v. WSU situation? Seems like I remember them reversing it, but I can't recall for sure.
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Re: Race for 3rd

Postby achrist70 » February 5th, 2015, 2:09 pm

If it is Indiana St. versus Illinois St. for the last spot it is talent against great coaching. I'll take the Trees.
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Re: Race for 3rd

Postby UNIFanSince1983 » February 5th, 2015, 2:40 pm

Really ISUb and ISUr have similar schedules remaining. ISUb has both games against WSU left. ISUr has to travel to UNI and gets WSU at home.

So it comes down to if you think either team can steal one of those two games I think. Both should be able to win the rest of the games outside of those. Considering the Trees have already swept the Birds I give them the advantage.
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Re: Race for 3rd

Postby jwa123 » February 5th, 2015, 3:15 pm

isuredbirds92 wrote:What was the final ruling on the Hawkins v. WSU situation? Seems like I remember them reversing it, but I can't recall for sure.

In reality there is no ruling at all and Teddy can play in any game even including WSU. Initially he was going to get to play every team in the Valley except WSU. The other coaches in the league did not like this as they thought this put all of them at a disadvantage playing against a potentially stronger ISU team than WSU would face and on this they are right. Whether ISU would be stronger wasn't the point but the potentially stronger was. So the initial ruling was overturned and Teddy is free to play on Valentines day.

I never heard about any of the discussions on the reversal I just know it happened.
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