Rollbird5 wrote:rlh04d wrote:0-6 against the top three teams. There's a reason IlSt hasn't played complete games against any of them.
I really hope you say dumb stuff like this as part of an entertaining game for yourself.
3 losses in last 5 seconds of the game we win those everyone's perception is different. No doubt in my mind we beat Indiana state twice if we weren't down Purcell and Hawkins and a banged up Reggie
Sure, if you rewrite history so that you win all of the games you lost close, and still win all of the games you won close, of course perception would have been different.
I don't care how many doubts are in your mind. They lost those games because they weren't good enough to win them. They won games in the exact same way you're trying to rewrite history for... If you lose those games everyone's perception is different, too.
Your team wasn't good enough to win this year. Deal with it. I don't understand what it is about Illinois State fans specifically where you all have this collective Kool-Aid drinking session at the end of every disappointing year. How many seasons in a row have you guys done this to yourselves now? Accept reality and stop blaming every mediocre result on circumstances outside the team's control. This isn't a "if only there were less injuries this year!" situation. This is "if only there weren't (insert excuse here)!" for years upon years now. No fanbase in the Valley does this "if only (blank) we wouldn't have finished [4th-8th] this year!" like you folks do.
And I don't mean that in an "all Illinois State fans are idiots" kind of way. I mean your fanbase has a bizarrely large contingent of people who make excuses at the end of every. Single. Season. It's never the fault of the players or the coach. If I believed 15% of the excuses I see on here, Illinois State has been the best team in conference for the last decade straight, if only it wasn't for (blank).
That blank never seems to be filled with "playing superior teams," though.