by LanceShock » March 29th, 2015, 3:06 pm
I decided to look up and see how many technicals Mr. Muller has this year. Looking at the box scores on IlSU's website, there are three technicals attributed to team for this past season (at Murray State, at Missouri State, and at UNI). Since they are all road games, they would either have to be on Muller or someone on the bench.
I haven't looked back previous. It will be interesting to see how many he gets next year. I have wondered if trying to motivate is team is why Marshall go so many technicals his first year. They were outgunned (especially once Brauer and Griskenas got injured) and he probably was trying to fire up his team. Perhaps Muller was doing the same thing this year.
If that is the case, I would expect his technicals to go down next year, like Marshall's have since then. Every coach (including Jacobson) can get animated at times on the sidelines. If coaches got a T everytime they argued something with the refs, both teams would typically be without a coach at all by the end of the first half.