Most Disliked Valley Coach

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Who do you dislike the most?

Poll ended at March 31st, 2015, 12:50 pm

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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby rlh04d » March 29th, 2015, 2:43 pm

Rollbird5 wrote:One thing I will say about Muller is that he keeps his guys accountable and has grown and shaped them as men.

Good God some of you live in a fantasy land.

One thing I will say about Muller is that he doesn't keep his guys accountable and if their actions are a reflection of what he's shaping him into, that's terrifying.
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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach



Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby Rollbird5 » March 29th, 2015, 2:52 pm

rlh04d wrote:
Rollbird5 wrote:One thing I will say about Muller is that he keeps his guys accountable and has grown and shaped them as men.

Good God some of you live in a fantasy land.

One thing I will say about Muller is that he doesn't keep his guys accountable and if their actions are a reflection of what he's shaping him into, that's terrifying.

How doesn't he keep them accountable? What actions have the guys on the team shown this year that is terrifying?
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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby LanceShock » March 29th, 2015, 3:06 pm

I decided to look up and see how many technicals Mr. Muller has this year. Looking at the box scores on IlSU's website, there are three technicals attributed to team for this past season (at Murray State, at Missouri State, and at UNI). Since they are all road games, they would either have to be on Muller or someone on the bench.

I haven't looked back previous. It will be interesting to see how many he gets next year. I have wondered if trying to motivate is team is why Marshall go so many technicals his first year. They were outgunned (especially once Brauer and Griskenas got injured) and he probably was trying to fire up his team. Perhaps Muller was doing the same thing this year.

If that is the case, I would expect his technicals to go down next year, like Marshall's have since then. Every coach (including Jacobson) can get animated at times on the sidelines. If coaches got a T everytime they argued something with the refs, both teams would typically be without a coach at all by the end of the first half.
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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby Aargh » March 29th, 2015, 3:21 pm

The correct answer is Gregg Marshall. He's easily the most disliked coach in the Valley. While he's my favorite coach, that wasn't the question.

The fact that Muller is getting so many votes is pretty telling. He's only coached lower-tier or mid-tier teams, so it's hard to dislike him because he wins so much.

Everybody likes Barry Hinson, well, except for fans of schools where he coaches.
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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby Snaggletooth » March 29th, 2015, 3:41 pm

Marshall is hated because he is a winner.
Mueller is hated because he is dirtbag and teaches his players thugball.
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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby WSpringsBird » March 29th, 2015, 5:11 pm

Snaggletooth wrote:Marshall is hated because he is a winner.
Mueller is hated because he is dirtbag and teaches his players thugball.

Well, you insulted the other coach and cleverly misspelled his name, so I suppose I have no choice but to acknowledge that you're right...

My sense is that a handful of Redbird fans voted Marshall the most hated coach, a few of the Shockers voted for Muller, and pretty much everyone else hopes this offseason passes pretty quickly so that we can get back to arguing about actual MVC basketball games.
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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby ISUBirds89 » March 29th, 2015, 6:17 pm

Snaggletooth wrote:Marshall is hated because he is a winner.
Mueller is hated because he is dirtbag and teaches his players thugball.

And it's posts like this that give fan bases bad reputations. Everyone gets along in St Louis, but behind a keyboard the douchebags come out.
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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby glm38 » March 29th, 2015, 6:56 pm

With apologies to the OP this is kind of a dumb thread/poll. And it's silly for opposing fanbases to square off about. Who cares if your coach is disliked? It probably means he's doing something right.
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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby rlh04d » March 29th, 2015, 7:29 pm

Rollbird5 wrote:
How doesn't he keep them accountable? What actions have the guys on the team shown this year that is terrifying?

Daishon Knight punched a woman in the face for no reason and was suspended for an exhibition game. Did not miss one minute of a game that Muller needed to win.

In what way has he kept anyone accountable? What actions have the guys on the team shown that were positive? Having a one year streak of not having anyone arrested?
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Re: Most Disliked Valley Coach

Postby Championz » March 29th, 2015, 7:53 pm

ISUBirds89 wrote:
Snaggletooth wrote:Marshall is hated because he is a winner.
Mueller is hated because he is dirtbag and teaches his players thugball.

And it's posts like this that give fan bases bad reputations. Everyone gets along in St Louis, but behind a keyboard the douchebags come out.

Hope you're looking in the mirror, chief.
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