Play Angry wrote:Khan4Cats wrote:
The anticipated top two teams are usually given the ends of the arena that face the cameras behind the benches (center section is VIP and the area immediately behind the benches are for families/AD). This is done on the expectation that the top two seeds will make the final and the visual for TV will be solid. The rest of the seating is rotated among the schools as to who is in front and who is in back, but usually those schools will be on the camera side of the court.
Yep, I'm aware that is arranged for optics on CBS but it is a real crap sandwich reward for a team that travels well, especially when you spend every game looking at the several dozen fans from the < 250 ticket sales schools occupying low row seats adjacent to center court.
It is dumb and disincentivizes attendance for the top traveling teams. Rather than catering to a 9 seed who will bring fifty non-relatives to the tournament, the league should enhance turnout from the schools bringing 2k+ all-session purchasers in an effort to squeeze an extra 500+ attendees from those institutions.
I agree Play Angry, well said. Your thought process for increasing ticket sales makes complete sense by generating more from those top teams who know they have a better chance of making it deep into the weekend.