Two More ISU Players Arrested

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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby Redhawk » February 3rd, 2017, 3:27 pm

Cdizzle wrote:
Redhawk wrote:
UNIFanSince1983 wrote:Funny that he brought up Carlson who was in the same position as Hawkins.

I brought up Carlson and Frankamp exactly because they were in a similar situation and to learn from Shocker and Panther fans as to what punishment they would deem responsible if hypothetically either of them got a traffic ticket. Most of the responses were at least a one game suspension which I agree with.

Whether you, I or anyone else agrees Hawkins is playing Saturday night. Should we as Redbird fans not watch the game or boycott home games? Please enlighten me on the proper course of action.

For the record, no one is saying Hawkins should be sitting Saturday night. If a suspension were to have occurred, they could have handled it during the UE or UNI games.

Agreed...was just trying to get a feel for what other team's fans think the appropriate punishment should have been. In actuality, if Doug Elgin hadn't caved to the other Valley coaches Hawkins would be sitting out this game!
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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested



Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby TheObserver » February 3rd, 2017, 3:37 pm

Redhawk wrote:
UNIFanSince1983 wrote:Funny that he brought up Carlson who was in the same position as Hawkins.

I brought up Carlson and Frankamp exactly because they were in a similar situation and to learn from Shocker and Panther fans as to what punishment they would deem responsible if hypothetically either of them got a traffic ticket. Most of the responses were at least a one game suspension which I agree with.

Whether you, I or anyone else agrees Hawkins is playing Saturday night. Should we as Redbird fans not watch the game or boycott home games? Please enlighten me on the proper course of action.

Here's the thing the majority of Redbird fans are failing to understand. This wasn't some failure-to-signal traffic ticket. It was ticket for driving on a suspended license because of a DUI. It was a punishment from seriously breaking the law and threatening the safety of others. It wasn't his first ticket. It wasn't his first run-in with the law. In fact, to the contrary, this is the 12th violation he has gotten in under a year. What message is being sent to him that this is unacceptable? Well, clearly nothing because it keeps happening. Why should he change when his coach allows him to do whatever the hell he wants without any repercussions? He can still drive while not supposed to and never feel threatened about missing a game in which he's receiving financial aid for. That's the problem. A simple traffic ticket is one thing. This is MUCH more than a simple traffic ticket. There's plenty of history behind this. Redbird fans, just like Muller, prefer sweeping things under rugs and forgetting about anything in the past.

Horrible, horrible way to instill discipline and run a college basketball program.
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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby Redbird222 » February 3rd, 2017, 8:08 pm

What is perplexing is Muller has disciplined players in the past including suspensions and even removing them from the team. Some have been starters and some reserves so it hasn't been just on talent.

Bryant Allen (Marijuana) was a starter and kicked off team prior to senior year. George Allen (Marijuana) kicked of team before start of first season. T. Brown starter benched/suspended first 5 or 6 conference games for halftime locker room incident, J.Hill startet benched for technical foul (second of year), Loftin (attitude) suspended during post season games, Middlebrooks (starter) kicked off team after 5 games for not attending classes, Griffin suspended (ultimately transferred to JUCO) for undisclosed reason, and sending Hawkins home early from Europe trip for undisclosed team violation. Full disclosure: I did this last paragraph from memory so every intricate detail has not been vetted.

The three instances where the punishment didn't fit the crime are well documented within this thread (Knight, Hawkins DUI, and Clayton/Yarborough theft of phone). I don't know why these incidents were handled with internal punishments and suspension of exhibition games. It definitely is inconsistent. I believe the vast majority of Redbird Fans believe there should have been regular season suspensions at the beginning of the season. Most of us have a hard time fathoming what other circumstances could exist that would warrant a lighter punishment in these cases.

Should Hawkins be suspended for the latest activity? I think that is debateable and I upstanding both viewpoints. I personally believe this act is stupid and ill-advised but i leave it up to the coaches who are closer to the situation to determine the best way to handle this matter. Is the scrutinity of Muller's handling of these three previous issues warranted? Yes. That said I am not going to crucify him for this last one.

I am moving on to the game threads. Hopefully the WSU/ISU game lives up to its bill and represents the MVC well on Saturday.
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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby mvcfan » February 3rd, 2017, 8:16 pm

Redbird222 wrote:What is perplexing is Muller has disciplined players in the past including suspensions and even removing them from the team. Some have been starters and some reserves so it hasn't been just on talent.

Bryant Allen (Marijuana) was a starter and kicked off team prior to senior year. George Allen (Marijuana) kicked of team before start of first season. T. Brown starter benched/suspended first 5 or 6 conference games for halftime locker room incident, J.Hill startet benched for technical foul (second of year), Loftin (attitude) suspended during post season games, Middlebrooks (starter) kicked off team after 5 games for not attending classes, Griffin suspended (ultimately transferred to JUCO) for undisclosed reason, and sending Hawkins home early from Europe trip for undisclosed team violation. Full disclosure: I did this last paragraph from memory so every intricate detail has not been vetted.

The three instances where the punishment didn't fit the crime are well documented within this thread (Knight, Hawkins DUI, and Clayton/Yarborough theft of phone). I don't know why these incidents were handled with internal punishments and suspension of exhibition games. It definitely is inconsistent. I believe the vast majority of Redbird Fans believe there should have been regular season suspensions at the beginning of the season. Most of us have a hard time fathoming what other circumstances could exist that would warrant a lighter punishment in these cases.

Should Hawkins be suspended for the latest activity? I think that is debateable and I upstanding both viewpoints. I personally believe this act is stupid and ill-advised but i leave it up to the coaches who are closer to the situation to determine the best way to handle this matter. Is the scrutinity of Muller's handling of these three previous issues warranted? Yes. That said I am not going to crucify him for this last one.

I am moving on to the game threads. Hopefully the WSU/ISU game lives up to its bill and represents the MVC well on Saturday.

Wow. That's a lot of team rules breaking and law breaking incidents for just a few seasons. I'm glad it's ISUR and not us. Whatever the message that Muller is sending isn't being listened to. He's a huge barking dog and his players have their hands covering their ears. :huh:
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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby glm38 » February 3rd, 2017, 8:41 pm

mvcfan wrote:
Redbird222 wrote:What is perplexing is Muller has disciplined players in the past including suspensions and even removing them from the team. Some have been starters and some reserves so it hasn't been just on talent.

Bryant Allen (Marijuana) was a starter and kicked off team prior to senior year. George Allen (Marijuana) kicked of team before start of first season. T. Brown starter benched/suspended first 5 or 6 conference games for halftime locker room incident, J.Hill startet benched for technical foul (second of year), Loftin (attitude) suspended during post season games, Middlebrooks (starter) kicked off team after 5 games for not attending classes, Griffin suspended (ultimately transferred to JUCO) for undisclosed reason, and sending Hawkins home early from Europe trip for undisclosed team violation. Full disclosure: I did this last paragraph from memory so every intricate detail has not been vetted.

The three instances where the punishment didn't fit the crime are well documented within this thread (Knight, Hawkins DUI, and Clayton/Yarborough theft of phone). I don't know why these incidents were handled with internal punishments and suspension of exhibition games. It definitely is inconsistent. I believe the vast majority of Redbird Fans believe there should have been regular season suspensions at the beginning of the season. Most of us have a hard time fathoming what other circumstances could exist that would warrant a lighter punishment in these cases.

Should Hawkins be suspended for the latest activity? I think that is debateable and I upstanding both viewpoints. I personally believe this act is stupid and ill-advised but i leave it up to the coaches who are closer to the situation to determine the best way to handle this matter. Is the scrutinity of Muller's handling of these three previous issues warranted? Yes. That said I am not going to crucify him for this last one.

I am moving on to the game threads. Hopefully the WSU/ISU game lives up to its bill and represents the MVC well on Saturday.

Wow. That's a lot of team rules breaking and law breaking incidents for just a few seasons. I'm glad it's ISUR and not us. Whatever the message that Muller is sending isn't being listened to. He's a huge barking dog and his players have their hands covering their ears. :huh:

I think it's more a case of ISUr (Muller) recruiting players of a questionable nature in the first place.
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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby Bmarq04 » February 3rd, 2017, 9:53 pm

shocktheheart wrote:
Redhawk wrote:
UNIFanSince1983 wrote:Funny that he brought up Carlson who was in the same position as Hawkins.

I brought up Carlson and Frankamp exactly because they were in a similar situation and to learn from Shocker and Panther fans as to what punishment they would deem responsible if hypothetically either of them got a traffic ticket. Most of the responses were at least a one game suspension which I agree with.

Whether you, I or anyone else agrees Hawkins is playing Saturday night. Should we as Redbird fans not watch the game or boycott home games? Please enlighten me on the proper course of action.

Good question...I don't know what the proper course of action is but I would be ashamed that my coach is not teaching them to be men. I have my son going off to college to run next year and I expect my son to continue to learn to be a man. If my son was in the similar situation I hope the coach would suspend him after already receiving a DUI. Going into college you should learn to grow up and not be given a free pass just because you are an athlete. I wonder how Hawkins will turn out after leaving Illinois St. I hope for the better, but he is not learning the correct lesson from a mentor and an authority figure.

I posted on the ISUr board about this. I'm actually past the point of being ashamed/embarrassed about this. It's really just a fact of life to me at this point. The sun will rise, the sky is blue, you can't stop time, and ISUr punishments won't fit the crime. To me, my lack of feeling that way anymore is the worst part.

We can express our displeasure to the admin about how things have shaken out, and many of us have. The vast vast majority of fans don't agree with many of the punishments (lack of). But until giant sums of dollars are withheld until someone makes a change, nothing will really happen IMO.

I grew up in Bloomington, my parent's business supported ISUr athletics in a variety of ways. I grew up going on road trips with the team, hanging out with players regularly, I went to ISU for undergrad, and so did another one of my brothers. I have a deep tie to ISU to where I won't stop rooting for them. I make decent money in medical sales, but I don't contibute remotely close enough for my lack of donation to change things. In reality, money talks. I really do believe that unless dollars stop coming in, why would they have a reason to change the status quo?

And as others have said, it's only basketball and football where this is an issue. They're also the money generators, so why rock that boat.
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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby BirdsEyeView » February 3rd, 2017, 10:13 pm

Bmarq04 wrote:
I posted on the ISUr board about this. I'm actually past the point of being ashamed/embarrassed about this. It's really just a fact of life to me at this point. The sun will rise, the sky is blue, you can't stop time, and ISUr punishments won't fit the crime. To me, my lack of feeling that way anymore is the worst part.

We can express our displeasure to the admin about how things have shaken out, and many of us have. The vast vast majority of fans don't agree with many of the punishments (lack of). But until giant sums of dollars are withheld until someone makes a change, nothing will really happen IMO.

I grew up in Bloomington, my parent's business supported ISUr athletics in a variety of ways. I grew up going on road trips with the team, hanging out with players regularly, I went to ISU for undergrad, and so did another one of my brothers. I have a deep tie to ISU to where I won't stop rooting for them. I make decent money in medical sales, but I don't contibute remotely close enough for my lack of donation to change things. In reality, money talks. I really do believe that unless dollars stop coming in, why would they have a reason to change the status quo?

And as others have said, it's only basketball and football where this is an issue. They're also the money generators, so why rock that boat.

Great post and agree with you on all.

Now I think we've beaten this dead horse enough.
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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby BuBrave2006 » May 9th, 2018, 2:44 pm

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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby Jsnhbe1Birds » May 9th, 2018, 3:11 pm

BLOOMINGTON — Illinois State basketball star Milik Yarbrough surrendered to authorities shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday and was at an afternoon bond hearing where a $1,500 personal recognizance bond was set on reckless conduct charges.

He was released from jail late Tuesday afternoon.

According to the statement from an arresting officer, Yarbrough and a former girlfriend, Tiarra Kindle, 18, were involved in a confrontation at his residence on Kingsley Street in Normal in late April when she allegedly ran out of the apartment with his cell phone.

Yarbrough pursued the woman and, after his phone was recovered, “pushed (the woman) in the back as she was walking down the stairs, thereby endangering her safety,” said the officer’s report.

Kindle also faces misdemeanor criminal damage to property charges for the damage she allegedly caused to Yarbrough’s phone. She also was released on a no-cash bond following her arrest May 4, about a week after the incident.

As a condition of his bond, Yarbrough was ordered to have no contact with the woman.

ISU head basketball coach Dan Muller said "we are aware of the situation and are handling it internally."

Yarbrough, who just completed his junior year with the Redbirds and was named Missouri Valley Conference Newcomer of the Year and an all-league first-team selection, has hired lawyer Joshua Rinker to represent him on the Class A misdemeanor charge.

He is due in court May 22.

Court documents indicate Yarbrough was granted an emergency order of protection against the woman on April 27. A hearing to extend that order is set for Friday morning.

Looks like ISU made him get a restraining order after this incident because he got one after this incident. The incident was in late April and restraining order was April 27th. Why does it take 10 days to investigate a cell phone/push issue? Also, you don't get a PR bond for violence against a woman. Doesn't add up.
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Re: Two More ISU Players Arrested

Postby BCPanther » May 9th, 2018, 3:32 pm

Jsnhbe1Birds wrote:

BLOOMINGTON — Illinois State basketball star Milik Yarbrough surrendered to authorities shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday and was at an afternoon bond hearing where a $1,500 personal recognizance bond was set on reckless conduct charges.

He was released from jail late Tuesday afternoon.

According to the statement from an arresting officer, Yarbrough and a former girlfriend, Tiarra Kindle, 18, were involved in a confrontation at his residence on Kingsley Street in Normal in late April when she allegedly ran out of the apartment with his cell phone.

Yarbrough pursued the woman and, after his phone was recovered, “pushed (the woman) in the back as she was walking down the stairs, thereby endangering her safety,” said the officer’s report.

Kindle also faces misdemeanor criminal damage to property charges for the damage she allegedly caused to Yarbrough’s phone. She also was released on a no-cash bond following her arrest May 4, about a week after the incident.

As a condition of his bond, Yarbrough was ordered to have no contact with the woman.

ISU head basketball coach Dan Muller said "we are aware of the situation and are handling it internally."

Yarbrough, who just completed his junior year with the Redbirds and was named Missouri Valley Conference Newcomer of the Year and an all-league first-team selection, has hired lawyer Joshua Rinker to represent him on the Class A misdemeanor charge.

He is due in court May 22.

Court documents indicate Yarbrough was granted an emergency order of protection against the woman on April 27. A hearing to extend that order is set for Friday morning.

Looks like ISU made him get a restraining order after this incident because he got one after this incident. The incident was in late April and restraining order was April 27th. Why does it take 10 days to investigate a cell phone/push issue? Also, you don't get a PR bond for violence against a woman. Doesn't add up.

Going by ISUs past, looks like somebody isn't going to get to run with the first team for the first 5 minutes of the first practice.

What a shitty culture.
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