MVC Basketball Budgets

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MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby Dean Wormer » March 25th, 2017, 9:57 am

Looking around at the various conference message boards, I stumbled across this nugget. Full credit should go to Jason Svoboda at Sycamorepride for gathering this.

2015 Basketball Budgets MVC
$6,920,933 - Wichita State (no football)
$3,128,419 - Bradley (no football)
$2,899,699 - Northern Iowa
$2,899,667 - Evansville (no football)
$2,745,553 - Loyola (no football)
$2,472,212 - Drake (non-scholarship football)
$2,452,961 - Illinois State
$2,241,413 - Southern Illinois
$2,279,917 - Missouri State
$1,832,975 - Indiana State

Some very interesting points in this. First, it is painfully obvious that Wichita has completely outgrown this league. Thanks for playing guys, good luck wherever you go.

Two, the misconception that the privates are dead financial weight seems to be debunked. I see posts stating kick Evansville or Loyola out because they don't have the money, and yet, they are 4 and 5 respectively. To put it in perspective, UE is spending over a $1mm more a year than Indiana State, which brings up another point.

Lansing gets blasted, and many are suggesting it's time to send him packing. Maybe...but he has by far the least amount to work with, and can still get some decent results. Using the same comparison, Simmons has $1mm more to work with and gets less results. IMO, it seems that Indiana State doesn't have a coaching problem as much as it has a financial issue, and UE doesn't have a financial issue as much as it has a coaching problem.

Lastly, I would suggest looking at the fine work Jason did in regards to the conferences below before you start suggesting replacements. Hopefully he can add the A-10 to this list. There are some eye-openers in there.

Ohio Valley Conference

$2,951,040 - Belmont (no football)
$2,218,712 - Murray State
$1,898,072 - Eastern Kentucky
$1,495,716 - Morehead State (non-scholarship football)
$1,392,586 - Austin Peay
$1,340,126 - Tennessee-Martin
$1,312,549 - Tennessee State
$1,201,935 - Tennessee Tech
$1,192,809 - Southeast Missouri State
$1,111,582 - Jacksonville State
$1,040,415 - Eastern Illinois
$1,025,625 - Southern Illinois-Edwardsville (no football)

Horizon League

$2,877,237 - Wisconsin-Milwaukee (no football)
$2,666,213 - Valparaiso (non-scholarship football)
$2,467,735 - Detroit (no football)
$2,445,427 - Wright State (no football)
$2,231,609 - Illinois-Chicago (no football)
$2,172,463 - Cleveland State (no football)
$2,111,833 - Oakland (no football)
$1,776,757 - Wisconsin-Green Bay (no football)
$1,623,294 - Northern Kentucky (no football)
$1,347,141 - Youngstown State

Summit League

$3,361,111 - Denver (no football)
$2,741,483 - Oral Roberts (no football)
$1,564,479 - IUPUI (no football)
$1,443,001 - South Dakota State
$1,417,450 - North Dakota State
$1,296,206 - IUPUI-Fort Wayne (no football)
$1,288,481 - Nebraska-Omaha (no football)
$1,238,197 - Western Illinois
$1,156,551 - South Dakota
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MVC Basketball Budgets



Re: MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby Ali » March 25th, 2017, 11:54 am

How much of Evansville's budget is paying rent at the Ford Center? Hard to understand why they'd be so high other than that.
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Re: MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby pafan » March 25th, 2017, 12:23 pm

Ali wrote:How much of Evansville's budget is paying rent at the Ford Center?

I believe the price was $10,500 a game in rent for both the men and women.

There's a new lease starting July 1st, and I'm not sure what its terms are.
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Re: MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby BEARZ77 » March 26th, 2017, 6:55 am

Do those budgets include coaches salary and if so, the entire salary or just the amount paid by the University.
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Re: MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby SubGod22 » March 26th, 2017, 8:29 am

BEARZ77 wrote:Do those budgets include coaches salary and if so, the entire salary or just the amount paid by the University.

The part of the salary paid by the University would be included. Which has little impact on the numbers for Wichita. I don't know how other coaches are paid.

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Re: MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby BCPanther » March 26th, 2017, 9:15 am

SubGod22 wrote:
BEARZ77 wrote:Do those budgets include coaches salary and if so, the entire salary or just the amount paid by the University.

The part of the salary paid by the University would be included. Which has little impact on the numbers for Wichita. I don't know how other coaches are paid.

Jake is 100% private as well.

I'm guessing they're the only two where that's the case.
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Re: MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby Drakey » March 26th, 2017, 1:50 pm

Milwaukee, Valpo, Denver and Belmont should be pursued based on these numbers. Maybe Detroit too. After WSU leaves and the schools that think they are Football powerhouses take off, this would leave a better conference.
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Re: MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby uniftw » March 26th, 2017, 2:54 pm

Drakey wrote:Milwaukee, Valpo, Denver and Belmont should be pursued based on these numbers. Maybe Detroit too. After WSU leaves and the schools that think they are Football powerhouses take off, this would leave a better conference.

Yep. Drake, Bradley, Evansville, aka 80% of the PIG games the last 15 years, as the foundations of the conference is much better
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Re: MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby squirrel » March 27th, 2017, 6:40 am

Bradley and as mentioned Evansville also have to pay rent on their arenas.
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Re: MVC Basketball Budgets

Postby LJSites » March 27th, 2017, 8:29 am

Have a link to the source?
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