I am putting this football question on the basketball page because football is a major point in the discussions on who to add to the MVC. HAS ANY PERSON IN A MVC OR CANDIDATE UNIVERSITY POSITION OF AUTHORITY: A PRESIDENT, an AD, FB COACH, ETC ISSUED ANY KIND OF STATEMENT(ORAL, WRITTEN, SIMPLE REMARK OR SUGGESTION) THAT HIS/HER SCHOOL ACTIVELY WANTS TO SWITCH TO FBS, or thinks FBS is their school's 5 to 10 year future.
Seems that a few FBS hard head fans at some of the MVC schools are interrupting/dominating discussions on the who, when and why to add to the MVC, or that several current MVC schools should convert to FBS.
Please," no Rumors, my best friend said, unidentified source, a bird told me, etc." Just the facts!