MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team league

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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby Lakesbison » April 20th, 2017, 9:35 am

Fetz86 wrote:But if they were in the MVC having to play Bradley, Drake, and Loyola twice would have lowered their numbers a good deal too.
It isn't that we're afraid of NDSU/SDSU, its we have no interest in ever going there to watch a basketball game and would be better served inviting other, Basketball first, schools.

yea, whens the last time more than 50 fans from Evansville or Bradley went to watch a game in Drake ? i mean seriously... even Indiana University shows up to Minnesota with 50 fans. So don't give me this "travelling fanbase on a thursday night crap" :D :D
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea



Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby uniftw » April 20th, 2017, 9:37 am

Lakesbison wrote:
Fetz86 wrote:But if they were in the MVC having to play Bradley, Drake, and Loyola twice would have lowered their numbers a good deal too.
It isn't that we're afraid of NDSU/SDSU, its we have no interest in ever going there to watch a basketball game and would be better served inviting other, Basketball first, schools.

yea, whens the last time more than 50 fans from Evansville or Bradley went to watch a game in Drake ? i mean seriously... even Indiana University shows up to Minnesota with 50 fans. So don't give me this "travelling fanbase on a thursday night crap" :D :D

We don't play on Thursday nights.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby tribecalledquest » April 20th, 2017, 10:19 am

Fetz86 wrote:But if they were in the MVC having to play Bradley, Drake, and Loyola twice would have lowered their numbers a good deal too.
It isn't that we're afraid of NDSU/SDSU, its we have no interest in ever going there to watch a basketball game and would be better served inviting other, Basketball first, schools.

I think NDSU/SDSU have a quality product. Pretty good fan base and some $$$. All good things. I just think basketball first programs like Valpo and Murray State are more desireable to what is, generally, a basketball first league.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby goyotes » April 20th, 2017, 10:26 am

See item # 4 on the attached Agenda for tomorrow's special meeting of the Murray State Board of Regents
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby tribecalledquest » April 20th, 2017, 10:28 am

goyotes wrote:See item # 4 on the attached Agenda for tomorrow's special meeting of the Murray State Board of Regents

Good stuff.

I trust you are a USD fan. Tell me why NDSU/SDSU would be better for the MVC than South Dakota. What am I missing other than just one very vocal NDSU fan on here?
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby goyotes » April 20th, 2017, 10:38 am

tribecalledquest wrote:
goyotes wrote:See item # 4 on the attached Agenda for tomorrow's special meeting of the Murray State Board of Regents

Good stuff.

I trust you are a USD fan. Tell me why NDSU/SDSU would be better for the MVC than South Dakota. What am I missing other than just one very vocal NDSU fan on here?

I think all 4 Dakotas are best served by being in the same conference. With that being said, Vermillion is within a mile of the banks of the Missouri River.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby tribecalledquest » April 20th, 2017, 10:40 am

goyotes wrote:
tribecalledquest wrote:
goyotes wrote:See item # 4 on the attached Agenda for tomorrow's special meeting of the Murray State Board of Regents

Good stuff.

I trust you are a USD fan. Tell me why NDSU/SDSU would be better for the MVC than South Dakota. What am I missing other than just one very vocal NDSU fan on here?

I think all 4 Dakotas are best served by being in the same conference. With that being said, Vermillion is within a mile of the banks of the Missouri River.

I agree with you that all four Dakotas are smart to stay together. From a travel standpoint South Dakota makes the most sense of all of them and you have the new arena.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby bbtds » April 20th, 2017, 11:40 am

I am a former Valpo resident with a relative that was formerly employed by Valpo U. I now live in Indianapolis. I also know some people (mostly lawyers from the Valpo law school) that work at the NCAA headquarters in Indy.

I believe the possible MVC member with the most potential for growth is Valpo. Over the years the Valpo board of directors has actually tried to curtail the expansion of the athletic dept by not funding any significant athletic building projects along the way. There are simply members of the Valpo board that see Valpo as a type of University of Chicago that should have dropped athletics (or at least dropped down to D-III) a long time ago. Despite that the basketball team has persevered through the trials with the Valpo board. First with Homer Drew not leaving as the head basketball coach to much larger majors and seeing his mission as bringing athletic success to Valpo. That led to his two sons Scott and Bryce becoming coaches and eventually moving to large schools that they have seen as their mission in life. Having success in athletics at christian schools where they can majorly influence the lives of many prominent college athletes. I believe that eventually Bryce and Scott decided against waiting for the Valpo board to change and moved up to have a greater influence.

I think if the MVC requires Valpo to make rather simple improvements to their athletic facilities Valpo's President Heckler can show the Valpo board that promotion of an outstanding faith based traditional Lutheran university can be had and further those christian and student development goals that the Valpo board has. Valpo has the largest collegiate chapel in the world and recently did a $15 million upgrade (extension, new HVAC system, upgrade to the stain glassed windows, etc.). The money came from a Pastor Helge and his pastor wife who met at Valpo's chapel as students and who were gifted by Pastor Helge's aunt who received bonuses as an executive of one of the large investment houses in New York that were "too big to fail" during the financial crisis of 2008. It was a way of cleansing ill gotten gains. The money is there but the board has to see athletics as a way to further the christian endeavors and student growth (both in numbers and level of maturity of citizenship) of Valpo students. Valpo believes in graduating students of character that greatly influence the world. Some older members of the Valpo board have died and as new members have come on I have seen slight changes in attitude in the board. I think Valpo's President Heckler should be required by the MVC to make financial commitments that in the end will have the Valpo board's mission extended through the character of their athletes. The potential is so huge!
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby ValpoTX » April 20th, 2017, 12:10 pm

Just for clarification on the RPI front (via ESPN):

Valpo last 5 years' average: 84
Valpo last 7 years' average: 85.14

Our RPI has been sub-100, except for 2013-2014, so there is not going to be a drop-off at Valpo

NDSU last 5 years' average: 91
NDSU last 7 years' average: 124.14

SDSU last 5 years' average: 96.8
SDSU last 7 years' average: 102.57

Murray State last 5 years' average: 144
Murray State last 7 years' average: 122.57

Keep in mind that Murray State plays in a really bad conference in regards to their competition's RPI ratings, as they typically have 6 or 7 300+ RPI teams each year.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby tribecalledquest » April 20th, 2017, 12:44 pm

ValpoTX wrote:Just for clarification on the RPI front (via ESPN):

Valpo last 5 years' average: 84
Valpo last 7 years' average: 85.14

Our RPI has been sub-100, except for 2013-2014, so there is not going to be a drop-off at Valpo

NDSU last 5 years' average: 91
NDSU last 7 years' average: 124.14

SDSU last 5 years' average: 96.8
SDSU last 7 years' average: 102.57

Murray State last 5 years' average: 144
Murray State last 7 years' average: 122.57

Keep in mind that Murray State plays in a really bad conference in regards to their competition's RPI ratings, as they typically have 6 or 7 300+ RPI teams each year.

Here is my personal concern with Valpo moving forward.

The Drew train has run its course. Last season was the first non-Drew season is how many years??

A once in a lifetime player just left the program. Alec Peters. He never played in an NCAA Tournament. Is the Valpo arrow trending the wrong direction?

I like Valpo and think they would be good in the MVC. But these are legit questions to ask.
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