MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team league

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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby Bball Junkie » May 2nd, 2017, 2:20 pm

I agree that it is doubtful that UE would try to block Murray State. The Aces have a nice rivalry with them. Aces fans and Racers fans travel well to each others' home games in the series.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea



Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby straykat » May 2nd, 2017, 2:53 pm

Bball Junkie wrote:I agree that it is doubtful that UE would try to block Murray State. The Aces have a nice rivalry with them. Aces fans and Racers fans travel well to each others' home games in the series.

If anyone blocked Murray State, I think it would be Southern Illinois and/or Illinois State. They miss out on a lot of in-state students who go to Murray because it cost them less.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby Redhawk » May 2nd, 2017, 3:02 pm

straykat wrote:
Bball Junkie wrote:I agree that it is doubtful that UE would try to block Murray State. The Aces have a nice rivalry with them. Aces fans and Racers fans travel well to each others' home games in the series.

If anyone blocked Murray State, I think it would be Southern Illinois and/or Illinois State. They miss out on a lot of in-state students who go to Murray because it cost them less.

Illinois State has had record setting enrollment for 3 straight years. I am sure they are not worried about
"missing out" on students going to Murray State. SIU on the other hand.....
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby RacerJoeD » May 2nd, 2017, 3:03 pm

I thought that as well, but bringing Murray into the MVC would lower travel costs, something I would think is of dire importance to the Illinois schools.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby RoyalShock » May 2nd, 2017, 3:38 pm

Cdizzle wrote:If Elgin is blameless and has no power (and maybe that is true), then what is the point of paying someone $300k+ for his useless position? He had no problem taking credit when things were going well.

"Another smaller league had great success in that same tournament: the Missouri Valley Conference. Bradley and Wichita State made surprising round-of-16 runs, and two other schools also made the tournament, for eight units, or $10.2 million over the next six years.

Missouri Valley Commissioner Doug Elgin’s compensation increased 40 percent over the life of that payout, from $224,250 in 2006 to $316,269 in 2012, according to conference tax records. Elgin defended his compensation and, unlike Yeager, said it was absolutely tied to the success of his conference’s basketball performance.

“I would hope that when the CEO of a business, when their return is off the charts, that their compensation is commensurate with performance,” said Elgin." ... caa-money/

I'm sure he's a part of the process, but he's not responsible for the final decision of extending an invitation and as such should not be blamed if the university presidents trip over their own feet.

The rest of your post is a red herring to this discussion. Someone has to run things in the 17 out of 20 years the MVC isn't changing its membership. Is that worth $316k per year? I don't know. He did preside over the best decade the MVC has seen since the 60s/70s and was instrumental in bringing Marshall to WSU, paving the way for our exit to The American.

There, I probably just made him even more enemies among the remaining fanbases.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby TheAsianSensation » May 2nd, 2017, 3:46 pm

This is reckless speculation, but is it possible Murray St has enough votes to join the MVC, but not enough votes to join the MVCF? A national version of the world-famous TAS Bracketology. Spread the word
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby Cdizzle » May 2nd, 2017, 3:49 pm

RoyalShock wrote:
Cdizzle wrote:If Elgin is blameless and has no power (and maybe that is true), then what is the point of paying someone $300k+ for his useless position? He had no problem taking credit when things were going well.

"Another smaller league had great success in that same tournament: the Missouri Valley Conference. Bradley and Wichita State made surprising round-of-16 runs, and two other schools also made the tournament, for eight units, or $10.2 million over the next six years.

Missouri Valley Commissioner Doug Elgin’s compensation increased 40 percent over the life of that payout, from $224,250 in 2006 to $316,269 in 2012, according to conference tax records. Elgin defended his compensation and, unlike Yeager, said it was absolutely tied to the success of his conference’s basketball performance.

“I would hope that when the CEO of a business, when their return is off the charts, that their compensation is commensurate with performance,” said Elgin." ... caa-money/

I'm sure he's a part of the process, but he's not responsible for the final decision of extending an invitation and as such should not be blamed if the university presidents trip over their own feet.

The rest of your post is a red herring to this discussion. Someone has to run things in the 17 out of 20 years the MVC isn't changing its membership. Is that worth $316k per year? I don't know. He did preside over the best decade the MVC has seen since the 60s/70s and was instrumental in bringing Marshall to WSU, paving the way for our exit to The American.

There, I probably just made him even more enemies among the remaining fanbases.

But your own post then gives him credit for 'running things for 17 years.' Either the man/position can impact the results of the conference, or he/it can't. It's not a red herring at all. Even IF you exclude membership changes from the list of responsibilities, the commissioner position was still netting terrible results for the last decade, which is either the commissioner's fault because the commissioner is not good at the job, or the position is of very little use.

I think it's disingenuous to give credit to the commissioner for the strength of the league in the 2000s and then absolve him of responsibility of the weakness of the league in the 2010s. I don't have enough information about the inner-workings of the league office and university presidents to argue strongly one way or another, but I don't think it's reasonable for people to argue both sides.

If he should not be blamed for the president's not making a good addition then by the same logic he should also not be praised and paid for president's doing things like building new arenas, hiring good coaches and winning tournament games.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby jacksfan29 » May 2nd, 2017, 4:39 pm

TheAsianSensation wrote:This is reckless speculation, but is it possible Murray St has enough votes to join the MVC, but not enough votes to join the MVCF?

First, it is the MVFC. Second, since that would mean SDSU and NDSU voted to block them, no it isn't possible. We were given UND by the MVC schools because it was good for the Summit. No way we vote no on Murray State. That's not the way our athletic departments, or schools handle business.

If Murray are not getting in it is due to the conference schools, overall only wanting 10. If you have the choice between Valpo or Murray the choice for the private schools is an easy one. By adding Murray the balance of scholarship FB to non-scholarship/no football schools is tipped in favor of the FB schools 6/5.

Sorry, if Murray is not getting in look no further then Drake, Bradley, Evansville, Loyola. Don't try to point the finger north. The Dakota MVFC schools had nothing to do with it.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby Bjhracer » May 2nd, 2017, 4:41 pm

I really hope valpo makes the MVC better, but in my biased opinion Murray State would of been the better add. We have more history of success and a fan base that is ready for something new. We are all passionate about our Racers. If the MVC wanted a team with better attendance , better facilities, a longer history of promoting power 5 coaches, and a team that would compete at the top of the MVC they would have picked Murray. I guess they didn't. I never wanted to get my hopes up on this because I didn't think there was a chance. From the outpouring of fans and administration in support of this i know there was a chance. Just didn't happen. Im really dissapointed.
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Re: MVC targeting Valpo & Murray State to create 11 team lea

Postby All-MVC Fan » May 2nd, 2017, 4:53 pm

I'm not convinced it hasn't happened. Maybe it is just Valpo, but maybe not. We should wait to see what actually happens. I had heard the search committee was voting on Milwaukee today or tomorrow. That would indicate a definite 11, maybe 12. Who knows.

But let's not get our panties in a wad just yet.
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