Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray State

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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby JBoss8393 » June 22nd, 2017, 12:57 pm

IPFW was feverishly working to raise several million for a buyout to the Summit and entry fee into the Horizon. The chancellor received a call last night and was told the other school (which was Murray State) had accepted and IPFW would not be considered this time. They had an appointment with a big donor today that they canceled because they now have more time to raise the funds. They were told to expect an invite at a later date. Two schools presented to the Horizon League earlier this week in Indy, Murray and Fort Wayne.

My source was extremely disappointed they didn't get the invite for this fall, although the athletic department was very concerned about scheduling.

Maybe Murray State is going to drop football, since they have no where else to put the team unless the MVFC takes them.
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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S



Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby JBoss8393 » June 22nd, 2017, 12:59 pm

RedBirdsfan93 wrote:Paul Oren of the NWI Times is reporting that the Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray State University.

Time for the Missouri Valley Conference to go get Murray State & Belmont and go to 12. We can not allow the Horizon League to grab either of them.

The MVC blew it big time. They could of had Murray State without question. Valpo wasn't going anywhere while Murray wanted out of the OVC. Unless Murray uses the HL invite to pressure the MVC to take them now.
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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby DUBulldog » June 22nd, 2017, 1:40 pm

JBoss8393 wrote:I have confirmation from a reliable source that Murray State has accepted an invite to the Horizon League for 2017-18. IPFW also met with the league but did not get an invite for this season; however, will be joining the HL in 2018-19 likely with IUPUI.

I just checked the Murray State message board to see what they were saying.....there is not a single post about this. Seems odd.
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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby RacerJoeD » June 22nd, 2017, 1:48 pm

I want Murray State in the MVC as much as anyone (more than the most I would assume) but I don't think a move to the horizon is imminent. I believe that the powers that be in Murray are focused on an MVC invitation. Lets hope that the MVC powers that be don't screw them over.
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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby JBoss8393 » June 22nd, 2017, 1:57 pm


I'm with you. Murray State is a perfect fit in the MVC. They could move the football program over with everything else. I am an ISU grad and live in Indiana. IPFW makes more sense for the Horizon. I am hoping my source is wrong or that Murray State is using the Horizon invite to put pressure on the MVC to make a move. I did ask what would happen if the other school turned down the invite, they said that likely wasn't going to happen. But if it did, IPFW would be willing to jump in.

One short coming was trying to rearrange schedules for the fall, they said it would be awfully hard to do.
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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby uniftw » June 22nd, 2017, 2:12 pm

DUBulldog wrote:
JBoss8393 wrote:I have confirmation from a reliable source that Murray State has accepted an invite to the Horizon League for 2017-18. IPFW also met with the league but did not get an invite for this season; however, will be joining the HL in 2018-19 likely with IUPUI.

I just checked the Murray State message board to see what they were saying.....there is not a single post about this. Seems odd.

Nor is there anything on Twitter other than multiple well connected people saying Murray State (and a few others) told the Horizon they weren't interested.
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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby uniftw » June 22nd, 2017, 5:19 pm

Shockingly the OP is still the sole source of the Murray State news and now real reporters with real connections and sources (Like the Indy star Tribune) are reporting IUPUI was invited.
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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby JBoss8393 » June 22nd, 2017, 5:36 pm

It can't be IUPUI because the invite was to a school that plays baseball.

I got a feeling Murray State is pressuring the The Valley to act now or they'll go to the HL. Serves the valley right after dragging them around earlier.
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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby JBoss8393 » June 22nd, 2017, 5:38 pm

BTW my source is very close to the situation and I trust them. In fact, I sent an email and they called me because everything is so hush-hush. But they told me it was Murray State, I didn't ask.
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Re: Report: Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray S

Postby VU2014 » June 22nd, 2017, 7:03 pm

JBoss8393 wrote:
RedBirdsfan93 wrote:Paul Oren of the NWI Times is reporting that the Horizon League has extended an offer to Murray State University.

Time for the Missouri Valley Conference to go get Murray State & Belmont and go to 12. We can not allow the Horizon League to grab either of them.

The MVC blew it big time. They could of had Murray State without question. Valpo wasn't going anywhere while Murray wanted out of the OVC. Unless Murray uses the HL invite to pressure the MVC to take them now.

MVC didn't blow it... (Murray State did NOT get an invite from the HL)

Valpo may have still been there but Valpo was the better basketball option to help right away and the future, imo. Murray State definitely isn't going anywhere. They won't even consider the Horizon League especially now that Valpo left the HL. This is what I'm hearing from some folks I've talked to. Murray State isn't going anywhere, unless they get an invite to the MVC.

Murray State would have got an invite if Belmont wanted to join them. Murray State wasn't going to get an invite without an obvious 12th member.
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