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Re: Scheduling

Postby BirdsEyeView » June 29th, 2017, 11:40 am

Blers wrote:
Cdizzle wrote:When one can't refute with facts

There's plenty of people who've tried to debate with facts with several (mostly trolling) WSU fans. It's clearly become a waste of time. When faced with objective realities, you don't respond to them and look for a different angle to stir the pot. I mean multiple posters corrected you on how game contracts work and what a buyout actually is and you said nothing, but moved on to another target. It's just lame, and hard to respect.

It makes it so it's not worth anyone's time to put work into a response. There are a group of posters i really like reading from on this board, who i like to go in depth with and read/write long posts. But with constant dismissiveness of any other points and no ammo to back up your most egregious claims, going back and forth with you is pointless (if LU is a low major than half the leagues a low major, which i'm sure you'll have no problem claiming either...without anything to back it up). Shouts out to all the cool Wichita posters who moved on/were cool in general!

Well said.

Shocker fans overvalue themselves as being more important than others just for who they cheer for. BUT, when they don't have superiority over others in their new conference (such as schools like UCONN who has a rich history), they need to come back here to make themselves feel better.

Cdizzle fits that description to a T.
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Re: Scheduling



Re: Scheduling

Postby Cdizzle » June 29th, 2017, 11:43 am

BirdsEyeView wrote:
Blers wrote:
Cdizzle wrote:When one can't refute with facts

There's plenty of people who've tried to debate with facts with several (mostly trolling) WSU fans. It's clearly become a waste of time. When faced with objective realities, you don't respond to them and look for a different angle to stir the pot. I mean multiple posters corrected you on how game contracts work and what a buyout actually is and you said nothing, but moved on to another target. It's just lame, and hard to respect.

It makes it so it's not worth anyone's time to put work into a response. There are a group of posters i really like reading from on this board, who i like to go in depth with and read/write long posts. But with constant dismissiveness of any other points and no ammo to back up your most egregious claims, going back and forth with you is pointless (if LU is a low major than half the leagues a low major, which i'm sure you'll have no problem claiming either...without anything to back it up). Shouts out to all the cool Wichita posters who moved on/were cool in general!

Well said.

Shocker fans overvalue themselves as being more important than others just for who they cheer for. BUT, when they don't have superiority over others in their new conference (such as schools like UCONN who has a rich history), they need to come back here to make themselves feel better.

Cdizzle fits that description to a T.

Speak of the 'can't use facts in an argument' devil.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Dean Wormer » June 29th, 2017, 11:45 am

Lusuperfan1 wrote:
Cdizzle wrote:So far, fans of AAC members are overwhelmingly supportive

Good. I'm happy for you. Take your final swings punching down and then go hang out over there. We'll sort our ish out in due time.

"Clown School" is now a term of endearment??

Dizzle reminds me of the ex-boyfriend of a girl I know.....

She is a solid girl, good morals, job and decent looks...not hot babe, but good girl next door type. They were together a long time, since high school. They were a great couple in school but a few years later, he hit a rough patch...drugs, drinking, couldn't hold a job, etc..she stood by him and supported him. A few years ago, he cleaned himself up. Gave up the hard drinking and drugs, got a decent job, and started working out.

About that time, his ego started getting inflated. He berated her all the time, told her she wasn't pretty enough, that she was holding him back...etc... Finally, they broke up and he hooked up with a somewhat hotter chick, but high maintenance, and pretty unstable. As much as she tries, she is still outside the who's who clique in town.

My friend..she got over him pretty quick, and met a really solid guy. They are compatible, he fits in great with her friends, and they seem like a great match. Once that happened, the ex began blowing her phone up..telling her all of the reasons she lost him, and what she should have done to keep him. He still drives by her house all the time, constantly talking about her and asking what she is doing, etc, always finishing with how much better off he is.....Needless to say, she really could care less what he thinks. She had some good and some bad memories with him, and he was a part of her life, but he is the past, and she is only concerned with her future.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Lusuperfan1 » June 29th, 2017, 11:51 am

I don't want to take this thread any further off topic, but I have a quick and serious question: how many Creighton fans post here or have posted here since June 2013?
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Cdizzle » June 29th, 2017, 12:03 pm

Blers wrote:There's plenty of people who've tried to debate with facts with several (mostly trolling) WSU fans. It's clearly become a waste of time. When faced with objective realities, you don't respond to them and look for a different angle to stir the pot. I mean multiple posters corrected you on how game contracts work and what a buyout actually is and you said nothing, but moved on to another target. It's just lame, and hard to respect.

Apparently I have a better understanding of them than Moser does.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Redhawk » June 29th, 2017, 12:21 pm

Cdizzle wrote:
Redhawk wrote:
Cdizzle wrote:When one can't refute with facts, one turns to movie references.

So far, fans of AAC members are overwhelmingly supportive of adding a nationally relevant program to their conference. I know the concept is foreign to some around here.

You have an inflated opinion of the national relevance of WSU. Since college football is king the Shockers
are arguably at best the 8th most valuable school in the AAC. Then you also need to factor in that the AAC
is the 7th best basketball conference in the NCAA. The Shockers are a long way from true relevance!

Conference's don't make one relevant. Individual programs are relevant. Northern Iowa basketball is nationally relevant. Evansville basketball is not.

Conferences can help or hinder a program's ability to gain national relevance.

WSU and UNI have national name recognition but that doesn't make them relevant (closely connected)
when compared with the likes of Duke, Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, Michigan State, Arizona,
Indiana, and UCLA.

Also P5 conferences do make all their teams more relevant since they can be in the conversation for an
at large with a .500 record!
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Blers » June 29th, 2017, 1:47 pm

Cdizzle wrote:
Blers wrote:There's plenty of people who've tried to debate with facts with several (mostly trolling) WSU fans. It's clearly become a waste of time. When faced with objective realities, you don't respond to them and look for a different angle to stir the pot. I mean multiple posters corrected you on how game contracts work and what a buyout actually is and you said nothing, but moved on to another target. It's just lame, and hard to respect.

Apparently I have a better understanding of them than Moser does.

Explain then. Go on. We're waiting.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Cdizzle » June 29th, 2017, 1:56 pm

Blers wrote:
Cdizzle wrote:
Blers wrote:There's plenty of people who've tried to debate with facts with several (mostly trolling) WSU fans. It's clearly become a waste of time. When faced with objective realities, you don't respond to them and look for a different angle to stir the pot. I mean multiple posters corrected you on how game contracts work and what a buyout actually is and you said nothing, but moved on to another target. It's just lame, and hard to respect.

Apparently I have a better understanding of them than Moser does.

Explain then. Go on. We're waiting.

You see, when one party in a contract doesn't want to do something in said contract, there is generally a provision for how they are able to compensate the other party for not doing that thing.

It would seem from his public complaints that Moser is unaware of this standard. Perhaps he should be thanking NCState. They may have just provided enough money for LUC to continue his employment.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby BirdsEyeView » June 29th, 2017, 2:40 pm

Cdizzle wrote:
BirdsEyeView wrote:
Well said.

Shocker fans overvalue themselves as being more important than others just for who they cheer for. BUT, when they don't have superiority over others in their new conference (such as schools like UCONN who has a rich history), they need to come back here to make themselves feel better.

Cdizzle fits that description to a T.

Speak of the 'can't use facts in an argument' devil.

WTF are you talking about? You provide zero evidence to this claim and keep coming at it from different angles with no success.

Dude, you make that Wichita State education look even worse than it is on paper.

I know you miss berating the "inferiors" but go away to the AAC board now. Delete this website from your favorites. Honestly, nobody will miss you.
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Re: Scheduling

Postby Blers » June 29th, 2017, 3:10 pm

Cdizzle wrote:You see, when one party in a contract doesn't want to do something in said contract, there is generally a provision for how they are able to compensate the other party for not doing that thing.

It would seem from his public complaints that Moser is unaware of this standard. Perhaps he should be thanking NCState. They may have just provided enough money for LUC to continue his employment.

As previously mentioned game contracts for all schools have these, industry standard; breaking contracts in any business is frowned upon...that's why contracts are made, penalty reparations none-withstanding. You were literally taught that this provision exists in the thread. Where does this idea that he "unaware of this standard" stem from? Did you even listen to the interview? Source something from the interview that leads you to that and explain how it did so. If you wanna actually spar bring gloves don't just yell from across the ring. And try to actually bring it regarding the topic, not just some potshot at our RPI (184) or KenPom (actually solid at 97) rankings. Bring it in regards to this point please!

It's pretty easy to just be like "aye yo that sucks" rather than this. Even a good amount of NC State fans had sympathy and wanted the good road test in this thread as seen on this reddit thread ( ... ut_loyola/), especially after last years super tight game where refs (and Dennis Smith) bailed them out at the very end
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