I agree with adding just Murray State and being done with it. I think they had to wait a year to add Murray State because of football, but it has been pretty well confirmed by one of our associate commissioners that we are going to 12 for the 2018-19 season. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Milwaukee will end up being the #12. I heard that the MVC's visit there actually went pretty well. I'd be fine with adding the Panthers and that's probably the route we should take. This map still intrigues me.

If it was up to me entirely I would get the 5 public schools in the MVC to split off, take the MVC name, and join the Summit football schools and YSU, for an all sports conference. I'd then go after Eastern Illinois to make a 12 team league that is football oriented, but with the potential to have good basketball. I might go after SEMO and Murray State also.
But to me football is more important because we can actually compete for national championships at the FCS level. It makes a lot of sense to invest 4 million dollars into a league (sport) that almost always gets anywhere between 3-5 bids in the tournament. It makes less sense to invest that money into basketball where your conference might only get one bid even if you have a team that has a 26-7 record. There is almost no chance of ever competing for a national title in basketball unless you are in a P5 conference or in the Big East.
To add to the point even though the MVC is a "basketball conference", it is slowly becoming more football oriented. As of right now the MVFC has 7 teams in the top 25. The MVFC has sent someone to the national championship game 6 years in a row (mostly NDSU, but ILST and YSU both made it too). But personally I'd much rather win a FCS national championship than make it to the Sweet 16 in basketball. That's just my thoughts.
I'd also like to be in a conference where all the schools have the same goals. Clearly the publics and the privates have different ideas on what they want to do. The privates would be better off getting together with other privates (or public basketball only schools) and the publics would be better off getting together with other publics.