by BEARZ77 » December 7th, 2017, 8:18 am
Great win for LOC, and a true Roadie to add. It is an extremely interesting year so far and one has to wonder if things remain the same thru noncon as regards to conference RPI's and extendly some of the team RPI's, how that shakes out come selection Sunday. Will subjective names rule out or will the objective rankings really hold play in the decision making process. Strange as it seems, despite some marque road wins name wise for conference teams[ Indiana/ISUb, Florida/LOC] and quality tournament wins by UNI , to date the two highest ranked wins by RPI are Bradleys take down of #34 Georgia Southern and Missouri States road win vs #35 Western Kentucky. Indiana sits at #175 and Florida at #110 despite being the #5 team in polls.
Now the numbers will change from an individual team standpoint once conference season starts and teams like W.Kentucky start playing low RPI conference foes and teams like Florida start playing quality SEC teams like Missouri and Kentucky. The win against Florida will remain highly ranked and wins against Georgia Southern and W. Kentucky will be diminished. But conference RPI's do not change much, so if most of the MVC teams can maintain rank for another 3 weeks, then there will be opportunity for top 100 wins during conference play. So a couple high noncon wins along with 4-5 top 100 conference wins all of sudden has more Valley teams with comparable credentials from an objective numbers standpoint similar to what happened in 2006. Very Intriguing. There will either be some egregious omits for quality mids [ most likely] or much growling and gnashing of teeth [preferable] by mediocre majors who didn't perform well in the noncon. Most years there aren't enough mids with quality noncon wins + high RPI conference wins to beat the rationale used by the committee, this year could be different.
The Bear is the largest carnivore on the North American continent; beware the Bear!