Only in Indiana

Discussion unrelated to Missouri Valley Conference sports

Only in Indiana

Postby TheShock » February 10th, 2011, 4:03 pm


"A popular former mayor of Fort Wayne, Ind., is looking likely to get passed over by a selection committee charged with commemorating a new government center, simply because of his name: Harry Baals." ... 20826.html
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Only in Indiana



Re: Only in Indiana

Postby pafan » February 19th, 2011, 12:45 pm

The thing I don't get about this is that poeple are pointing to an online survey of popular people for whom to name the center after. If some 16 year old got a hold of this online survey, chances are that a few dozen or a few hundred teenagers voted in this survey, and they universally voted for Harry Baals.

There's no way you could put "Harry Baals" in a web survey and not have him win.

Who is the best coach in the MVC?
Gregg Marshall?
Ben Jacobsen?
Jim Les?
Harry Baals?
sad Evansville alum
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