MSU to Conference USA?

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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby BEARZ77 » July 2nd, 2011, 7:39 am

You're funny Aargh; you got one guy over here from Missouri State beating a theme and so that's reason to pile on with the insults. I don't mind people confronting the overzealousness of Casey, he's bought that himself; but try to stay a little grounded in reality. You can knock what we pay our basketball coaches all you want, but since the day we entered the MVC it's equated to more success than you've had at WSU in the same time span. So what's that mean in your grandiose view of WSU basketball. You paid Turgeon $750,000 + and he's gone; you're paying 1.2 million or more to Gregg and the minute South Carolina is open he's gone. And in the midst of all that it's bought you the same 1 league championship , 1 less Tournement championship, and 1 less NCAA appearance than us since we entered the league.

I'll take heat from UNI, CU, and even though they're down now, SIU for fielding a more consistent top level program that got to the NCAA tourney over the last 20 years, but not WSU. You were the leagues bitch most of the 90's and have had a smattering of success in the past 10 years, but not enough to try to float the kind of superior attitude you think others will buy here.You might want to try winning something in men's basketball beyond a second tier tournement before you try to talk too much smack, cause you flat don't have the capital to cover the check your mouth is writing.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?



Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby panther-state » July 2nd, 2011, 11:18 am

:D I'm really enjoying this thread. Nice post Bear.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby WSUbballer » July 2nd, 2011, 4:38 pm

Bearz, no need to have a coronary.

While WSU fans have has roughly the same amount of success during the period MSU has been here, we have definitely had more overall success by a landslide. But that's not really the point. When an MSU fan or fans are spouting off about being superior to everybody and telling everyone C-USA is a done deal, only to come out as completely false, people are going to react about it, no matter who their allegiance is to, and rightfully so.

Instead of wasting your time with one post from a WSU fan, you should be trying to herd the cattle into the pen with the dozens of posts Casey has littered this place with.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby beatingrillz » July 2nd, 2011, 11:00 pm

Past success means nothing anymore. X man doesn't play anymore and with a coach like Marshall WSU will be relegated to 2nd place forever.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby Aargh » July 3rd, 2011, 1:05 am

I used to be pretty supportive of MSu athletics. A couple of things happened to change that:

1) Baseball field. MSU fans go on and on about how they will be hosting all the MVC tourneys and will crush everyone with their ability to recruit to a first-class facility. Reality: The Cards aren't interested in changing their minor league schedule to accommodate the MVC tourney - or even all of MSU's home games. The several hundred fans that show up for MSU baseball have great seats.

2) Hinson. MSU fans thought they deserved a better coach than one who had them consistently in the top 4 of the league. When MSU fans insisted Hinson be fired, MSU couldn't afford it. The AD gave Hinson some "you're getting fired" contract extensions, which crippled his recruiting and created a reason to fire him.

After insisting Hinson be fired, MSU fans are now using his winning as evidence of MSU's greatness.

3) CUSA. MSU fans actually buying into a rumor started off of a single tweet from a basketball player (wasn't it a new player to the program?) is more evidence that they are delusional. MSU has a marginal FB program. Not a huge winner with horrible attendance. MSU's athletic department is already strapped, so upgrading FB would be a huge gamble.

In basketball, MSU has to go back to Alford to demonstrate any real success. Alford has produced at other schools, so that success is more based on a specific coach than on the school. Hinson was fired because of his inability to produce and Martin got out of town so fast that a blind man could see there's a problem.

4) CUSA - Part 2. MSU fans actually included WSU in the invite to CUSA. Not a single WSU fan bought that. The concept of MSU being invited to CUSA was so bizarre that the rumor of WSU being included in the invite was never considered as a possibility by even the most rabid of the "get out of the MVC" WSU fans.

5) We're the number 2 school in our state, so we can get the support if we move up. I would like to refer you to the state of Ohio. Ohio is an absolutely rabid state for football. I doubt any state other than Texas has more emphasis on FB than Ohio. The University of Ohio is the number 2 school in the state. Or mybe Nebraska. Nebraska is absolutely crazed about FB. Way more that way than Missouri. CU is the number 2 school in that state.

I think the future of MSU FB is more likely to follow the Nebraska pattern than for MSU to have an invite to CUSA. Not only did MSU fans run with the CUSA rumor, they made a$$e$ of themselves on message boards across the nation. The threads on the CUSA boards should have been exceptionally enlightening to MSU fans about the attitudes of other fans to MSU's athletics.

And yet, we're still dealing with unenlightened delusions.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby BEARZ77 » July 3rd, 2011, 8:10 am

I really expected more out of you, but if that's how you want to play it so be it. Reign in Casey or it becomes ok to rip all things Missouri State? Ever hear of someone named "COLD"; how many times has he come on here and talked about how beneath WSU the Valley is etc. etc. And while some take shots back, most of us don't use that as an excuse to pile on every opportunity to rip your University. And it's not as if other WSU posters don't feed into his rants occasionaly.

As far as some of your other points, I respectfully disagree. No one uses Hinson years as an evidence of "greatness"; what we do say is that we've had a consitently good program since we entered D-1, and that while Barry had good teams he never was able to 1] win championships, or 2] make the NCAA tourney. Despite that it was just a couple years ago a survey showed that MSU averaged third behind CU and SIU in overall Valley standings since entering the league. That's not great, but it's better than 7 other teams over a sustained period. Now I'll be the first to say I'd trade UNI's success for ours because while they were terrible for a number of years, they've been great for about as many, which far out reaches just being pretty good the whole time. But the evidence of why we thought we could do better than Hinson took exactly 2 years, so I'm not sure why you'd even try to contest that point.

As far as MSU fan's buying into the delusion of conference USA, how about your buying into that delusion. Go to the Bear nation website and you'd find as many posts confronting it as supporting it from the minute it hit, and our administration came out very quickly and dispelled it. The whole idea that a few fans popping off on a chat board represents a significant portion of Bear's fans is in itself a stupid premise. But even for those fans who did, the number of posts that suggested MSU was above the Valley just weren't that prevalent and I again refer you to "COLD" if that's going to be your basis for sending us to the "abyss".

Hang on to the baseball issue as long as you want; were a lot of stupid things said, no doubt. But I think you know some also proved true in that MSU is hosting it's third MVC tourney next year and I saw all the pissing and moaning on Shockernet. I don't think either faction envisioned their programs being where they are right now when those comments were made back then. I didn't make the comments, but I'll eat collective crow for ours now and then, but only jealous women hang on to past indiscretions longer than you seem to.

So I'm not having a "coronary" Aargh, I'm just telling ya you're off base in your attack and taking advantage of what essentially has evolved into one's man's rant [ and I might point out that while Casey might be delusional, he seems pretty respectful to most and I think is simply overzeolous]. I have no problem if you take his views to task, but you went beyond that and that was unacceptable. The facts are we have a quality D-1 athletics program, but football hasn't been one of the sports we've excelled at and I'm not sure what is best for our University there. But we are no worse off financially than 6-7 of the other Universities in the conference, are consistently one of the top 3 in overall performance of our teams collectively in Valley standings, and are getting ready to have what promises to be a great year in most major sports. I don't see any abyss. But if you want to roll in the mud over this, it can get as dirty as the old Valleytalk. I was hoping this site was above that.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby panther-state » July 3rd, 2011, 10:35 am

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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby glm38 » July 4th, 2011, 10:16 am

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Regular season champ means more than post season where flukey things can happen. I'm not taking a shot at Indiana State here, just making a general point. NIU was a good ball team that season, but they had the sort of luck that Jimmy Johnson has in Nascar and Kevin Harvick's point would apply here to. And Ali did have a moment though it is hard to be national name with a last name so long.

I'm a Bears fan through and through but I just don't see how anyone could say that the year Northern Iowa beat KS and went to the sweet 16 had "the sort of luck that Jimmy Johnson has in Nascar"?? Luck had nothing to do with it. That was a GREAT team top to bottom. Period.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby uniftw » July 4th, 2011, 10:25 pm

glm38 wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Regular season champ means more than post season where flukey things can happen. I'm not taking a shot at Indiana State here, just making a general point. NIU was a good ball team that season, but they had the sort of luck that Jimmy Johnson has in Nascar and Kevin Harvick's point would apply here to. And Ali did have a moment though it is hard to be national name with a last name so long.

I'm a Bears fan through and through but I just don't see how anyone could say that the year Northern Iowa beat KS and went to the sweet 16 had "the sort of luck that Jimmy Johnson has in Nascar"?? Luck had nothing to do with it. That was a GREAT team top to bottom. Period.

Nope...all luck. A team that finished the regular season 25-5 and the season 30-5, spent most of the final half of the season in the top 25, and *should* have beaten Michigan St to get to the Elite Eight was just a flukey post season run...nothing more.
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Re: MSU to Conference USA?

Postby panther-state » July 4th, 2011, 11:03 pm

Their starting line-up was what? Kwadzo Ahelegbe, Johnny Moran, Ali Farokhmanesh, Jordan Egleseder and MVC PoY Adam Koch...a bunch of no-names in this league basically :roll:
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