Bawss wrote:MoValley John wrote:Bawss wrote:You know.... last year we lost some of these games and we struggled to stay around .500.................Now the team is currently winning all of them and it's still a problem.
We'll be fine....
Really? If I were a Sycamore fan, I'd be concerned. Keep in mind, in 2005-06 Indiana state started the season at 8-0 and were rolling. What happened? I've seen this happen time after time, just win, baby!!! Until the ugly wins become close losses and the snowball starts rolling downhill. I'm not even saying that this will happen to ISU, it probably won't. But for fans to not be concerned is a little naive.
How I feel is that the team will be better later in the year. If the team is going to have growing pains and difficulties now, I'd rather it happen now while still picking up wins.
There are worse ways this team could start the season.
You are correct, now is the time for growing pains. But that is not what I was saying. I was simply saying that winning ugly early doesn't automatically simply mean growing pains. There could be other issues, I don't know... That is exactly why I find it odd that fans would simply shrug it off and say "We'll be fine." There is a legitimate reason to be concerned. It may be growing pains, it may be a hundred things that mean nothing. On the other hand, it could be something and fans should be concerned. I'm not saying jump off the ledge or the sky is falling concerned, but concerned none the less. At the same time, I disagree with people that are opining that Jake Odum might be having a sophomore slump. It is way too early to even begin that discussion.
Yes, winning ugly early is much, much better than having these games slip away, but at the same time, you simply hope that the result is "We'll be fine." All the while, you should have at least some concerns about shoring up whatever growing pains or problems you may have. More times than not, the teams that win ugly early, never fix whatever made those games close in the first place and come the end of the season, their fans are wondering "what the Hell happened?"
That is, unless you are a Cubs fan like me, then you simply expect the "What the Hell just happened?"
There are three rules that I live by, never get less than 12 hours sleep, never gamble with a guy who has the same first name as a city and never get involved with a chick with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Stick to that and everything else is gravy!