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Re: New MSU Board

Postby Chuck » December 5th, 2011, 10:21 am

Had the same problem a few moments ago...Why the in-fighting?
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Re: New MSU Board



Re: New MSU Board

Postby beatingrillz » December 5th, 2011, 10:35 am

I have never had an acct there, but can still read. You both are acting like little girls, you are too different people with 2 very different opinions. Just move on I like both sites by the way, one gets me pissed off the other makes me happy love it. Go bears.
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Re: New MSU Board

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » December 5th, 2011, 12:50 pm

Looking forward to another board. I used to like bear-nation but things have gotten out of hand there over the course of several years that I hardly ever read it. It is good to have competition in most areas of life so this should be good for our fans. Best of both worlds. But it would be nice if everyone could get along, some of the outbursts on various forums make some of our fans look like petulant, spoiled children.

I also hate that apparently the AD Moats and others try to get messages pulled. I bet they will try that on trout's board too. If I was running a board and Moats told me to pull something I'd tell him to mind his own business and run the athletic department, but some are better sports than me apparently.
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Re: New MSU Board

Postby MSUBear42 » December 5th, 2011, 1:02 pm

For improvement sake, Interested in what is out of hand over there?
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Re: New MSU Board

Postby offinthewoods » December 5th, 2011, 2:50 pm

MSUBear42 wrote:For improvement sake, Interested in what is out of hand over there?

Jliehr made a post telling you the problems. You deleted it. I'd say that's a huge part of the problem. Censoring to make YOU look better.

Making rules you and your buddies don't have to follow then banning People for breaking them.

Telling people that Lusk wants people removed from the board.

Censoring content for no reason.

Cursing at players and coaches.

Having random meltdowns on people.

Banning people who don't agree with you.
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Re: New MSU Board

Postby troutangler » December 5th, 2011, 3:53 pm

MSUBear42 wrote:Grow Up dude. You're immaturity is hilarious. I created that account because I still have ties with the department. Oh, wait, i'm probably just making that up, too. What with my multiple personalities and what not.

Like I said, best of luck. I'll leave it at that. If your site gets more visitors it means it is a better site and that would a good thing for Missouri State University.

I am glad to see that you are reading the new board. :D
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Re: New MSU Board

Postby MVCfans » December 5th, 2011, 4:04 pm

I'm going to step in here and lock this thread. There is another thread in the off-topic area that includes this disagreement. While I'd prefer this board not be a forum for a public spat, it does sound as though there are some who don't have another outlet. Please use the off topic thread.
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