MVCs Freshman of the Year/Newcomers of the Year

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MVCs Freshman of the Year/Newcomers of the Year

Postby Wufan » December 19th, 2011, 5:13 pm

Who are the new faces out there that have distinguished themselves in the Non-Conference?

Here's my All-Freshman Team to date:

Nic Moore, Ill St
Seth Tuttle, UNI
RJ Mahurin, In St
Deon Mitchell, UNI

Too many undistiguished players for the 5th spot, but consider Therloff, Setty, Dingman, Chatman, Artino, Cotton, others.

All New-Commers Team to date:

Bizoukas, MSU
Hall, WSU
Gibbs, CU
Brown, Ill St
Gulley, MSU
Downing, MSU
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MVCs Freshman of the Year/Newcomers of the Year



Re: MVCs Freshman of the Year/New Commers of the Year

Postby isumvc1 » December 19th, 2011, 6:06 pm

RJ Mahurin is a Sophomore FYI, Justin Gant & Jake Kitchell are our 2 freshman getting the most playing time
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Re: MVCs Freshman of the Year/New Commers of the Year

Postby valleychamp » December 20th, 2011, 12:22 am

I think FOY will likely come down to Nic Moore and Seth Tuttle. Both are putting up some great freshman numbers thus far.
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Re: MVCs Freshman of the Year/New Commers of the Year

Postby Aargh » December 20th, 2011, 12:46 am

I haven't seen Moore yet. I have seen Tuttle. Moore better have some stuff when I see him because Tuttle looked like a Jr or Sr.

With Fr you've got to look at fairly large samples. I've seen Artino twice. Once (St. Joe's) he was a total liability. The second time (Tulsa) he was an asset.

I'm a Tuttle fan. The guy's a player. I look forward to seeing Moore play.

Cotton isn't going to get any consideration since he's playing behind 3 seniors and a junior. You've got to like defensive players to like Cotton, but he's going to be noticed in the next few Valley seasons.
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Re: MVCs Freshman of the Year/New Commers of the Year

Postby Wufan » December 20th, 2011, 6:49 am

Thanks for the correction on RJ. Madison at Drake is probably the fourth best fresh right now.

I don't expect Cotton to make all-freshman team, however, he is statistically right there with freshman ranked 4-10. Currently, none of them are deserving, but a couple will distinguish themselves and with improved efficiency, Tekele might be one.
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Re: MVCs Freshman of the Year/New Commers of the Year

Postby LJay » December 20th, 2011, 9:09 pm

There are two reasons CU is playing the way they're playing...Dougie is exponentially better than last year and Grant Gibbs is better than the entire senior class from last year combined. He is a sure thing on the all newcomer team. I don't think he puts up gaudy enough numbers to win the award but I still don't know enough about the various newbies in the league. His 7-7-7 nights with so many good decisions have been a joy to watch.

None of the three CU frosh have distinguished themselves to date but there hasn't been a need with the experience back from last year plus Gibbs and Wragge. They do need to develop for the following year especially a guard to replace lone senior Antoine Young. He will be a big loss.
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Re: MVCs Freshman of the Year/New Commers of the Year

Postby cpacmel » December 21st, 2011, 11:21 am

Moore is almost too unselfish. In 11 games to date, I think he has probably taken 2 maybe 3 shots that would be considered "bad" shots. He has certainly hit some big shots for us. Would love to see him take more shots. That will probably come in time.

I have been really impressed with Tuttle. Kid is shooting 68% from the field! He has room to put on weight too.

Future is bright for both of them, no doubt.
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Re: MVCs Freshman of the Year/New Commers of the Year

Postby SubGod22 » December 21st, 2011, 2:03 pm

As far as Wichita goes, I'd be pretty surprised if Hall doesn't make the newcomers team. He's been a nice and important inside presence for us on both ends.

If Cotton gets more PT during conference play, he could make his way onto the Frosh list. The kid plays great D and is smart on the offensive end. The number of steals he could potentially get is what could make him stand out. Not sure much else will this year. Has the potential to be on the all defensive team multiple times and possibly DOY at some point.

None of the other new guys will play enough to have a chance to be recognized this year.

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Re: MVCs Freshman of the Year/New Commers of the Year

Postby glm38 » December 21st, 2011, 6:20 pm

For MSU:

Freshmen: Christian Kirk has played OK. But he plays behind Weems so he' not getting that many minutes. For that reason he probably won't make the all freshman team.

Newcomers: Gulley, Bizoukas, and Downing have all been really good. And they've all 3 been terrific at times.

Tuttle has bee very good for Northern Iowa. I like Hall a lot too.
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Re: MVCs Freshman of the Year/New Commers of the Year

Postby DoubleJayAlum » December 21st, 2011, 9:46 pm

LJay wrote:There are two reasons CU is playing the way they're playing...Dougie is exponentially better than last year and Grant Gibbs is better than the entire senior class from last year combined. He is a sure thing on the all newcomer team. I don't think he puts up gaudy enough numbers to win the award but I still don't know enough about the various newbies in the league. His 7-7-7 nights with so many good decisions have been a joy to watch.

None of the three CU frosh have distinguished themselves to date but there hasn't been a need with the experience back from last year plus Gibbs and Wragge. They do need to develop for the following year especially a guard to replace lone senior Antoine Young. He will be a big loss.

Gibbs is to Creighton as Emmenecker was to Drake in Drake's title year.
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